The mathematics of favors

As Chapel burns through at least one favor per show, and in several he used 2, plus in one show he did a freebie, and in another, he was paid, so no obligatory favor, he would run through his favor catalog very fast.
More realistically, it should have been the "helpee" would be obligated for life, with no limit to the number of favors, or at least a limit of $1 million dollars worth of favors. After all, Chapel was using these to help other victims like themselves.


There was a webpage made in '98 that kept a "favor tally" of how fast Chapel burned through favors. Its breaking point was in "Critical", where apparently an entire restaurant full of patrons owed him a favor. It probably would have taken several decades worth of cases (if he did one a week) to build up that many favors...and that's assuming he didn't use any of them already.
