
A couple of questions. I read a (much-condensed) English translation of the book a few months ago, then started watching the series. Since the two don't match exactly, a few things confuse me. First, was Krishna really named Kanha at first, and why did they change it to Krishna? I can't find the name "Kanha" related to Krishna anywhere online...second, in the original Mahabharata, who did Pandu kill and why? In the movie, he killed Sage Kindam by accident, mistaking him for a tiger, and in the book he killed a deer on purpose while he was hunting (and the deer was making love to his deer-wife as he got shot, which is why he cursed Pandu). Thanks!


Hindu gods tend to have a lot of names including Krishna who has Gopala, Govinda, Kanhaiya, Gowardhan, etc.


In the book he killed the dear for Madri. Both stories have come out in differetn versions

I go online sometimes, but everyone's spelling is really bad, and it's depressing.


I recall the saint and his wife transforming into deer form and frolicking together. Pandu, thinking they were deer, shot the sage at the height of passion. The dying sage/deer cursed Pandu, saying that if he ever touched one of his wives with lust in his heart, he would meet the same fate that he did (die). Hope this clarifies things!



Kanha is Krishna's nickname. It is a common nickname for boys in India.
