Upcoming Movie

Will this ever be made into a movie? Cause if it's not, then I'm sure as hell going to break into Hollywood and make it.

I Want To Believe. July 25, 2008.


Same here! I call dibbs on Prince Xizor!

Just pray that James Earl Jones is still alive 12 years from now, becasue it's impossible to do Vader without his voice.

By the way, had it been made into a film in 1996, who would you have casted as the exclusive SotE characters? AND WHY?

Dash Rendar - VIGGO MORTENSEN (heard some others mention him and I can't think of anybody better to play a Han Solo-ish guy); though BRAD PITT may have gotten away with Dash, too (I base this on his role in "Se7en")

Prince Xizor - VIN DIESEL (mainly becasue of his deep masculine voice; he was still unknown at the time, Saving Private Ryan wasn't until 1998); LAURENCE FISHBURNE would work, too (the voice again; his ethnicity wouldn't matter, since he'd be covered in green makeup)

Guri - CAMERON DIAZ (sexy but deadly, just like Guri; she was in her early 20s, as Guri is described, and she was an unknown at that time)

Koth Melan - CHRISTOPHER WALKEN (I don't know... something about the way he handles B-level [in terms of role size] characters...)


no way, this is my idea, don't you dare take this life-long goal and dream away from me. I want to adapt this into a movie..a two or three part movie. First the prequel to it, how everything came to be. Then the actual game/book adaptation in one or two parts. I'm making this..it's the reason I'm going into media arts at college, for this dream to be had.



Dennis Quaid would be good. I always pictured a younger, gruff Kevin Costner. But if the film were made, they should definitely go with someone badass like Robert Downey, Jr.



So this is not a movie?

I cannot find out..


I remember reading an article that Lucas stated that he had alot of fans ask for some sort of cinematic version of this story. He said it would be extremely difficult to make a movie on the game or story because it is intertwined with characters that could not be used do to their age.

I think they can insinuate alot of the story without actually showing Luke and Leia (if I remember right they were the only real actors that were shown).

This would be such a fun movie to watch.

Also, I think I read an article that Lucas planned on making it part of the "Live Action" Star Wars TV series.



no not a movie yet

and agreed, if the movie could at all resemble the game or book it would be great.

Plenty of potential for good action all it needs is a good way to introduce Dash


the prequel I have written for this movie will introduce Dash perfectly. It stays in a good timeline, and doesn't mess up anything..if people can go as far as making the force unleashed, then I can make this into a live action adaptation...fans have been asking for this story to be made to this day...and there is SO MUCH potential for star wars to have more movies..like, it could have 100 movies and it still wouldn't cover every single tale in star wars from the very begining to the expanded universe...why doesn't Lucas take that fact into consideration? It boggles my mind. He could make so much money off of it too if that's what he wants...ugh, I hate it when people don't use their full potential


Some people already made a feature, it was in portugese and done stop motion with action figures. I'm working on a shorter machinima (that is, with pieces from videogames) version (LucasArts did half of the work for me... game cutscenes go a good distance when you mix games and add them together - I've got a great space battle going now...) that should be in the can within 2 months tops.

That said, I'd look foward to a live action version, but you aren't the only one with this idea, and you won't even be the first to have one finished.

