Purgatory 2 ?

I have a thought of moving the timeline up at least 30 years or so. New characters but similar story and upgrade to the new timeline.


I'm surprised TNT didn't make a sequel since this movie was fairly successful for them.



I am suprsied TNT hasn't made ANY westerns, since most were successful and did well for them. Actually I think they have given up on westerns altogether.

Great minds talk about ideas, small minds talk about people ~ Eleanor Roosevelt


I was thinking the same thing. For years they made at least one TV western a Year. I don't believe they've made one since 2003's 'Monte Walsh'. I wonder why? I know they were very successful fro them.


yeah this movie was quite good for a TV movie.

i give Purgatory a 7/10 (but if i had to choose a 6 or 8 i would say 8)



I think it would be cool if they made another purgatory move that was based on recent times. Instead of outlaws they can have escaped convicts escaping from the law by trying to get into Mexico. Part of the whole appeal of the purgatory movie was the whole wild west and gunsligher aspect with legendary names so if they made a more modern version does anyone think it will be as good as the original purgatory?
