
What makes this R? It's PG in Australia. Or was it cut over here?


Like the director, I wouldn't be suprised if the people who rated this movie were high.

However, I do somewhat like this movie.


It's rated R because the MPAA didn't want to expose young minds to such an apalling feature film. They didn't feel children would be able to cope. Nothing against Australia, but they should take better consideration for the well-being of their youth. My ten-year-old cousin saw the first fifteen minutes (a complete accident, I assure you...I still don't know how a copy of the movie made its way into his house) and he had to be rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment. You know those "flashy things" in MIB? They exist. My cousin has fully recovered, having had Space Travesty completely erased from his memory. If only we could all be so lucky. Having seen almost all the Ernest movies (please don't ask why), I feel I must have built a tolerance that graciously shielded me from any severe damage.

Seriously, when I rented it, I was expecting an actual 2001: A Space Odyssey spoof, being a strong advocate and admirer of the film. This film is a disgrace to the one whose title it mocks, as well as every other movie into which actual thought has been put. It was also a disgrace to Leslie Nielsen, who, with all respect, should have known better. Why, Leslie?!

Nay say me if you wish, my words are harsh and I am overtired. But jeez, some movies just shouldn't exist.


You're entirely right. Just last week my brother's head exploded all over the living room rug from watching this movie


