the hotel room?

i don't understand the scene where dutch goes to miami and is shown his wife's hotel room. i thought the plane crashed on it's way to miami? doesn't kay later say that they never even got to the room? were we supposed to believe that it was some sort of time share? that the room had been left like that since the last time they had been there? i can't figure it out. can someone help me?


I think he went there in search of what Dutch called, "their future plans." The rooms were always set up in that way for any couple that visited the hotel. And they may have stayed at that hotel before. Dutch mentions 2 other trips to Miami that are in his deceased wife's day planner.


But still, when did Dutch travel down to Miami? (how long after the plane crash) It was my impression that it was a week or so after? Wouldn't they have just gotten that room ready for someone else?


Yes, the room was ready for a new patron. Dutch went there to get into the mind of his wife. He wanted to know when the lie started and it seems the lie started with lifestyle, i.e., what she told him she enjoyed versus how she actually lived. He wanted to understand who she really was so he went to where she was going/where she had already been. He wanted to see what she saw. He's obsessed.

I agree with those who liked this movie. The pace is slow, but there is a lot of stuff going on. I enjoyed the nuances.


Im with you, i loved the movie


Ditto I loved it too. Every time I see it I pick up on something (little things) that I had missed. As was said, a lot going on .


They said that she had stayed at the same hotel, same room, every time she/they went down there.
