MovieChat Forums > Pink Angels Discussion > Goofs (*** spoiler alert ***)

Goofs (*** spoiler alert ***)

1. Hildegard: "I'm sorry, General. You're still 5 seconds over your own minimum."

minimum s/b maximum (You want to do a blind gun assembly in as little time as possible)

2. Henry: "I'll take the same as Michelle." (in the bar when they're in full drag)

The waitress hasn't been introduced to anyone by name, so she can't know which of the others is 'Michelle'.

3. The pissing private sights the Pink Angels and makes his phone call (from the entry of the driveway to the General's HQ) during daytime, but the Angels show up to the house (HQ) at night time. That's one LOOOOOOOOONG driveway.

4. There are only 6 Pink Angels, but 10 bodies hanging from the trees. I guess some of Michael Pataki's bikers got killed by the General's force of 6500 soldiers . . . but a few got away?!?!?!?
