Hideously Underrated

A 6.9? I've seen some crap movies with 7.0 or higher and this movie couldn't even get there? People suck.

"Anybody Wanna' Waste Some Time?"


I agree... A very touching and well made movie. Impossible not to tear up in the end. I guess this movie is only for some people, you can't really relate if you didn't grow up with a dog or pet


I agree, a very beautiful movie with many touching scenes...almost all of the characters are quite sympathetic and there is depth to them. One of the movies that always makes me tear up (not only due to the scene with the dog, but also because of nostalgia reasons).


I don't trust the ratings on IMDb as far as I can throw them. This is an excellent film that children and adults would enjoy -- and dogs would love even more (except for the ending, of course). I gave it 8/10.


I gave it an 8/10
watched it again the other night and cried my eyes out. You need to have had a pet when you were a kid to appreciate this movie.

When I went away to college, I missed 'Laddie', my collie, and found out Thanksgiving break when I got home that he had to be out to sleep. My parents didn't want to upset me so whenever I called and asked, 'How's Laddie?' when I called home, they said fine.

When I saw Laddie looking at me drive away that Labor Day when I went to school...well, I never forgot that look.

My parents told me that LAddie wondered around the house looking for me. While safe and ina good environment, his home, I felt like I had abandoned him.

This movie is underated. Nothign like the relationship between a kid and his/her pet. It isn't till we get older and lose them that we realize how special that relationshiop was.


That a very beautiful and sad story, Skydvr38! We all could use a Laddie in our lives, and yours is preserved in your memory for eternity. This film perfectly captures the bond between human and dog.


This movie is underrated 8/10 i say
skydvr38 on , a very sad story, watching this again after a while, stiil gets me


Just watched it on Five & was really good very sad though but give it a 7 out of 10.
And much sadder than Marley & Me which never really upset me



ha you watched it too on c5
