What Would You Do?

While it was never explained as to exactly how the world ended(I think supernova), this movie, along with a Larry Niven short story called "Inconstant Moon" made me wonder how I'd spend those last hours. I'd like to think that I'd say goodbye to family and friends after which I'd have a steak dinner with all the trimmings. With that out of the way, I'd simply find a church and spend the remaining time praying.


I would call and say goodbye to my family and then spend the remainder of my time with my daughter.


I suppose it would be the whole family together, having a party. Truly, it makes me tear up just thinking about it. And it brings up another guestion...would you rather know when you were going to die or have it just happen with no warning? No easy answers, all bad choices. How about option C, live forever!!

...have you ever seen a human heart? It looks like a fist covered in blood.


I'd go back to my parents home where I grew up and sit on the back lawn that overlooks the land and wait for the end while puffing a cigar.


i would chain smoke an entire carton of cigs, eat all the fattening foods that were left, and spend the last few days watching all my fav movies...ending off with the godfather saga, without 3

i wouldnt want to spend it with friends or family, cuz that would be too depressing

and i definitely wouldnt do what craig did...that is way too depressing


I would take me and my dogs, gather up my family (mon dad brother sis)and we all go to the park for a nice long picnic.

Whenever i think about that scenario i wanna cry a little. I guess its the thought of loosing my fmaily members and my dogs.

"Psychos do NOT, explode, when sunlight hits them I dont care how crazy they are!" - Seth, FDTD




I would hike the Jessup Trail, which is supposed to take about 6 hours. I would time it so that I finish at Midnight.


Sex + Drugs + Steak Dinner


I guess I'd hook up all the speakers to my house and blast some techno while passin a O blunt between my closest buds


Say bye to friends/family, leave home to engage in wild sex, shrooms, cocaine, food, cause a little mischief with gasoline and a flare gun, kill a man, go to church to get forgiveness, set a car ablaze, then go home and sit on the ruf.
In the case of 2 month old Alisha, Brian, YOU ARE THE FATHER



The knowledge of the end of the world in the movie was on record for some months. Therefore I would cease payments on all bills, mortgage, rent and credit cards. I would cease work and spend time in a quiet place and doing whatever I pleased. Problem is that everyone else will too. Economic activity stops. I would keep a stock of alcohol and would be blind drunk by T=0.


The knowledge of the end of the world in the movie was on record for some months. Therefore I would cease payments on all bills, mortgage, rent and credit cards. I would cease work and spend time in a quiet place and doing whatever I pleased. Problem is that everyone else will too. Economic activity stops. I would keep a stock of alcohol and would be blind drunk by T=0.

Where was it implied that the end of the world was foreknown in a few months?



It's obvious by the way most people were acting in the movie. Except for some hoodlums most people seemed to have accepted the end was coming. I'm sure when news first got out that the end was coming there was panic in the streets and rioting but by the time of the movie most people had gotten it out of their systems and were preparing for the end of the world the best they could.


It was actually said at one point. I think when Craig shows Patrick his 'room' he says he'd been at it for three months since they said the world would end. And Patrick's wife died and he left the nursery just before they said the world would end, while he is pissed off and obviously depressed I don't think she had died the week before. I like that touch, he left all those kids he cared so much about BEFORE he knew they wouldn't have a future. Very dark film when you really look at it, but it would be easy to mistake for a dark comedy.


I'd say goodbye to my fam and friends, and probably just get a drink and listen to music.

No canned cheese or g-strings? How am I supposed to celebrate New Years?
