
I totally had no idea what to expect when I watched this movie for the first time. I wanted to see it because I really am a fan of Craig F. He is a very funny man. As great as he is, I found his portrayal of a gay man a little lacking, but it didn't detract from the movie as a whole.

I had the added benefit of not seeing any photographs of the final competition, so when I saw the winning hairDo, I got really excited. I was in shock at how awesome and cool it was! I called my experience a "hairgasm" because it was just so much fun to see that! Does that make me a little odd? Yeah, but I doubt I am the only gay man who would react in that way.

This movie is also great for the satire of the whole LA scene, which would probably be more appreciated by someone from LA or familiar with it in some way. I highly recommend a rental or purchase of this one!

I don't patronize bunny rabbits!!


being someone who is only mildly familiar with scotland and l.a I'd say if you take it for the satire it's meant to be, the movie is fantastic. I like that craig did a fun movie about someone from scotland as opposed to say THAT would have been an interesting role:P


Craig Ferguson is straight. I liked the way he played 'gay' - walking into salons and not immediately glomming onto the fact that the stylists were 'gay like him' - sort of a neutral, non-frantic, secure person navigating a strange land (L.A.).
