Who Plays the Corpse?

I have been wondering a number of times while watching episodes of "Da Vinci's Inquest" who is "playing" the corpse or corpses. Any idea who some of the actors are?

I realize they don't always use a live human being for the corpse. For instance, in HBO's "Six Feet Under" molds were made of the actors bodies to create corpses. However, "Six Feet Under" likely would of had an immense budget compared to a show like "Da Vinci's Inquest." I doubt this was done often, if at all for "Da Vinci's Inquest," even though it is a high quality show. Actors with non-speaking roles, whether their character is dead or alive, don't receive screen credit, so the actors who portrayed the corpses aren't going to be in the show's credits. I'm curious if anyone knows, or perhaps you or a friend are an actor who snagged the "corpse of the week" role. It would make a nice piece of trivia to include as well.
