MovieChat Forums > A&P Discussion > Poor Poor John Updike

Poor Poor John Updike

This is seriously based on the story?? You've got to be kidding me. Has anyone seen this who has read the original piece? Is it worth watching?
Anyone? ... Anyone at all??



i disagree
although nothing compares to the book, i thought the movie was quite good. the music complemented the movie perfectly. it was touching and well produced and it's just to bad if you can't see that. but every one has their own opinion.
sean hayes portrayed sammy beautifully.
definatly worth the watch.


Where can I get a copy of this movie? I've read the short story numerous times, so I can only imagine what kind of movie it would make. I really can't understand how it could be adapted as a gay and lesbian film. Would they have it at blockbuster?


go to that is the only place (that I know of) where you can view the short film.

My name says it all. Sean Hayes is my number one actor.



My name says it all. Sean Hayes is my number one actor.


terrible completely terrible, read the short story, dont see the "film"

You space bastard, you killed my pine! ƒ

there is the movie...
I feel like the movie has three failures
First Sean Hayes' new england accent... needs some work.
Second it misinterprets what the text says... (e.g. The butcher sees the girls walk away he puts his hand over his mouth, in the text it is clear that Sammy is misunderstanding the situation and the butcher isn't gawking rather he is astonished that girls would walk around scantily clad (it was the early 1960's after all) in the scene it appears he is lusting after them... not a good reading imo)
Third doesn't play up the class angle enough...

just my opinion though...


What bothered me most was the age difference, I think in the short story the bathing suit girls are a lot younger.

"Every living creature on earth dies alone."
~Donnie Darko


I read the story in my English class,and then saw the movie. At first I thought the book was completely boring,but after re-reading it I thought it was interesting. I just saw the movie on-line and thought it was very good. It reminds me of a ABC Afterschool Special. I wish they had more short little movies like this.


