MovieChat Forums > Creature (1998) Discussion > Saw it last night on TV

Saw it last night on TV

I started watching this movie on TV, thinking it was an episode of The Outer Limits. Incidentally, it followed along with the usual storylines of TOL, and the movie looked like it had the production budget similar to an episode of TOL.

Anyway, the movie was entertaining for the most part, though I suppose not-surprisingly cheesy, particularly when it came to the part about the U.S. Navy's intervention in the problem down on the island. But my bigger criticism is the lack of explanation about the origins of the shark-man, aside from vague references to it by the Admiral and crazy-werewolf Jamaica man who claimed the monster was "part of me". Certainly, based on the length of the movie, more background should have been developed (NB: I admit, though, that I only began watching at the point where the guy on the Navy ship cuts the rope suspending the monster's crate).

Overall, though, it was entertaining as a TV movie.


I saw this to. I felt that it would have been a much better movie if it wasn't turned into a miniseries. It would have been great as a simple 1 hour 50 minute monster movie. It probably would have done poorly at the box-office, though.


I saw it this afternoon on USA. Since I like the cheesy monster movies I dug it. Seeing coach as the action hero was kind of odd. And having dang neat the whole cast be sitcom actors at some point in the career was kind of odd.

I thought they explained the creation well enough. Secret genetics lab, wolfman used it to mix a shrk's DNA with his own while adding in other things(ability to breed). Seemed pretty well covered to me.


Yes, this movie seems to be on some station (TBS, USA, SciFi) every 3-4 months. I have some thoughts on it.
1. This movie was made just before Kim Cattrall took on her most famous role to date as "Samantha" on "Sex and the City." Just once I would have liked her to say something like, "Honey ... leave that shark-monster alone, grab the dildo and come to bed."
2. Does Craig T. Nelson's character have an endless supply of shirts or what? He seems to be wearing a different color t-shirt or button-down shirt in each scene he's in.
3. Speaking of Craig's button-down shirts, why is it that anytime he wears one one of them, they're nearly unbuttoned all the way? Is he trying to stay cool, or is he showing off his chest hair, or what? Maybe he did this because the producers wanted an angle to get a female audience - who knows. He was 53/54 when he made this movie - he's an attractive man, but he's no Sean Connery or Harrison Ford.


More words have been written than this movie is worth. It's a bad rewrite of "Jaws" and on a par with "The Beast".

It's evidently so unimpressive that both Zap2it and Yahoo TV listed it as "The Beast".


Yes, Paul Jay, you are probably right, and you just added more words to the mix (and so have I!).


funny that you guys mentioned beast, that movie also plays so much on sci-fi channel and usa it's not even funny. I guess they were going to play beast on that day and decided to throw creature instead since both play so much people wouldnt really notice. One more thing creature will be playing again on sci-fi during their thanksgiving marathon. so get ready for more chase,wolfman pre-sex in the city kim catrall and lot of jamaican accents mon.


I found this movie pretty stupid.
especcialy the end,
"I don't want him to die alone"
and then it kills him. LOL. what a f@g.
totally bombed, though i only saw the last half of the last half. heh heh

"If it bleeds, we can kill it"


I like cheese. It was fun.
