Why 17

i think it is odd they used 17th birthday instead of 18 what is the signifigance of 17? And isn't turning 17 in the end of your 12 year a bit too young
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I was watching the movie this morning and wondered the same thing. If she wasn't 17 when the school year began she would have been a year behind the other girls. Maybe she was advanced a grade though.


A lot of people grad at 17. Some kids are put into school a year earlier than they have to be put in by their parents. This is allowed. It also often has a lot to do with which month their birthday is in. My sister graduated at 17, and I've known quite a few others as well.

My body's a cage, it's been used and abused...and I...LIKE IT!!


Since my birthday was in the Summer, I didn't turn 18 until after graduation, so it really just depends on where your Birthday falls.

Because sponges never have bad days.


I think it depends on the local laws where you live.

In south Florida, where I started school, as long as you would be turning six by the end of the calendar year, you started first grade (this was in the early sixties, before public kindergarten). I was going to turn six in December, so I started first grade when I was five; this means I turned 17 halfway through my senior year. By the way, in north Florida, where we moved when I was in 4th grade, you had to already be six when school started in order to start first grade. So from then on, I was usually a grade ahead of the students who were closest to my age.

Life's a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!


My daughter graduated high school when she barely turned 17 (the youngest in her class) because she skipped kindergarten and entered first grade when she was 5. Smart kid!

Hey, wait. You're not surprised I'm a talking rabbit?


Yes, my youngest brother was 17 when he graduated but he had already turned 17 when the school year started. I think the cut off is sometime in September.



I think just because 17 has historically been a symbolic year.

Seventeen Candles
"Dancing Queen only 17"
17 Again

The list goes on...

but basically its technically the last year of "childhood" before becoming an "adult" at 18.
