Favourite Bunnell Words

1} "ORFICER"{very loud} 2} "DRUG CRAZED" 3} "DOOTY". Any others?


The suspect doesn't see the oncoming car...... UNTIL it's TOO LATE.


I like how he always says stuff like "Crazed criminal" or "Foolish fugitive." Though John Bunnell may not have a big vocabulary, I'm just happy he had his thesaurus handy.

a drug dealer gets "more than he bargined for" when he is pulled over. The cop sees a guy throw his drugs and the cop is "one step ahead" of the criminal because of his "quick thinking" as a "trained professional." He cleaned up the streets by getting a small bag of pot off them. Woo! Big dent there mr cop, the world is now a safer place.

When the crooks come knockin' the cops come rockin'

Overall the cheesiest line is the opening of the show when they try to justify it by saying "we show you this so you will know how to react in a situation which could possibly save your life" Come on!

I love how how the car chases have awful sound effects and narrating of EVERY detail on the screen(as if the viewer cant clearly see the car is running from the police). Overall, most everything Bunnell says is pretty funny because he is soooo dramatic.


I like that one alot.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?


The helicopter guy keeps saying the smae thing every goddamn time he's on also! Ha ha. "My god, he just missed that car by inches", by three feet you mean?, ha ha! I hate that helicopter voice!!!

Well, as far as Bunnell... I love these catchy phrases he use. Like "This hard edged criminal thought he could get away from the lawenforcement.. But he only got a one way ticket... To jail". (something like that) Ha ha ha. I LOVE IT!!!
And it's on television every day at 7.00pm in Sweden now! I can hear him talking right now.. Ha ha. Gotta go watch!

Gothenburg Metal Rocks!



I forgot "CAREENED"!!


"Bunnell remarking on drunk naked girls: "They were wearing nothing...but a chilly breeeeeeeze!" "

I saw that too - that was a classic! Always brings a smirk to my face...


One of my favourite quotes:

"Most of us are peaceful and law abiding... AS WE SHOULD BE."

Is anyone else convinced that guy's some kind of silver haired, orange skinned police Terminator? It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, and it absolutely will not stop, until you go to JAIL.


oh god i love his quotes!!
anyone else heard him say Moscow?
Moss Cow


People need to post more of these liners, this guy helps to make my days complete.

"suddenly, it all goes wrong!"

If you are Anti-American: Admit you are doing it just to be cool. Does it feel good to hate?


"Foot bail!! Foot bail!!"


"Shots fired! Shots fired!"

They always say that twice.

The Falcon flies


Other John "Orange Skinned Police Terminator" Bunnel soundbites:

The cheesey illiterations:
"This fast drinkin', foul talkin', crazy drivin', bandana wearin' MANIAC."

The over-emphasis on certain words:
"This simple STING operation turns DEADLY in an INSTANT."

The apocalyptic sensationalism:
"In this state we call people who run from the law on motorbikes... ORGAN DONORS."

The appreciation of foreign policing techniques:
"For these cops in MOSSCAW, POLICE BRUTALITY isn't even a CONSIDERATION."

The disregard for any judicial court procedures/interrogation/miranda rights:
"He was dragged out of the car and sent STRAIGHT to JAIL."

And an obligatory comment from Cee Dubya Jenssen ( stood in front of a rack of shotguns with aviator-shades tan lines round his eyes ):
"Our officers are trained to drive at these speeds. The average criminal doesn't stand a chance."

And the terrified/sadistic/bloodthirsty helicopter reporter:
"Oh! Oh, look at that! He nearly crashed into that bus full kids! Oh, that would have been terrible!"

Crashes! Explosions! Riots! LAW enforcement! THEY KNOW YOU LOVE IT.


I used to love it at the start of the show were the legend that is Sheriff John Bunnel says, "What you see in the next 60 minutes is real...It may shock you! Frighten you! Or even Anger you!" The show doesn't start like that anymore for some reason but when it did it was f ucking hillarious! Also, before they show a clip theres always a part with the Sheriff at a "crime scene" or getting into a police chopper or a "high speed pursuit" when its obviously fake, its even more funny when you see the "suspects" in the background getting busted! I love this show!


Also, some other hillarious Bunnell words of wisdom:

"This crazed madman used a cell phone while trying to escape the LAPD. But the only phone he'll be using from now on is the one at the state pen!"

"This deranged felon went the wrong way down a one way street - the cops gave him a one way ticket...straight to jail!


You"ve got it wrong about the fake suspects.They are real criminals who are so in awe of Bunnell they just lose the will to fight when they see him!


lmao!!!! ahahahahaha obviously!
dear god i would love to meet that man.


There is a "crazy chases" special episode of the show, where John delights in saying "CAR-aaaaa-ZZZZ" 457 times in an hour. Delicious!



"MEERA" (mirror) as in the " the driver of the 18 wheeler cairn"t see you in the meera"!


This has got to be one of the funniest threads I've read on IMDb. I think it's hilarious the way he makes everything more dramatic than it really is: "The suspect RAMS into a traffic cone which is DEADLY for the cops chasing him AND innocent bystanders. The cops have had enough, this guy is GOING DOWN!"

What did you just say? Say it again or I’ll break your other wrist! ~ Jack Bauer



Everytime he says "punk" it makes me nose laugh



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