Something I just noticed

I have this movie on my DVR and watch it quite frequently. The other day I noticed something I hadn't before.

In the scene right after, Arthur Winslow tells Dickie that he will have to leave Oxford, there's another scene in what looks like a train station. There's a man reading a newspaper with a headline about the case. Another man is looking over his shoulder and sees the headline and then looks away.

Anyway, I think the man looking over his shoulder and seeing the headline is Sir Robert Morton, but I'm not 100% sure. Does anyone else remember that scene?


It isn't..

"You're dumber than you think I think you are."


Do you know who it is? The other person I was thinking it could be was John, Catherine's fiance.


Hmm, after I read your question I rewound and paused. It didn't look like anyone in particular, although I thought so myself the first time I saw him.

I think it's merely a device to show how much people care for The Winslow Case - enough so to look over a random guy's shoulder to catch the latest news.

"You're dumber than you think I think you are."
