Another plot hole?

When they were looking at the infrared film that showed the three legged bench, then went blank due to the temperature spike, did not anybody think to rewind the tape to the morning to see who left the briefcase in the room?


Yes, very observant. When they started on that bench thing i also thought they would just rewind the tape and see who was the guy who left it. Then again i think the whole leaving of the briefcase thing could have been avoided by bringing something else too on the day of the robbery. seems a bit redundant.


Unless it was very crowded, he could have done so as people were walking about, or standing in front of it. Could be.


There are so many plot holes in this movie. For instance, he bends the Monet while stealing it from the museum, but when he places it in his home, it comes out unbent. No one will fold a picture to steal it.


John McTiernan already explained that. Its not so much a plot hole as he thought he could get away with the audience not noticing that the painting had to be bent. He obviously didnt think that one through.

A good friend tells me on many an occasion to be good play nice and dont bite.


It obviously was not so much something that was noticed or something to stick too much detail on. It's a moment or rather a stitch of time. A tiny hole that the audience if into the picture can glance over not to notice too much...

Thus to pay attention more so to the rest of the work, the film stands a great piece of work. An amazing feature dealing with romance, action and suspense... thats the real hat trick, and it works. When you can get all those to blend and carry your audience through a great ride, who cares about a minor hicup.


Not only that but no museum is going to rely on ONLY infrared cameras. If something happens there would be no clear pictures of the perp. They might ADD infrared cameras but they'd never remove the regular ones.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
