MovieChat Forums > The Thomas Crown Affair (1999) Discussion > Not filmed inside of a museum?

Not filmed inside of a museum?

In the closing credits there is a detailed disclaimer to the effect that no filming was inside of a musueum. Looked like the inside of the Metropolitan to me. Was the disclaimer necessary for insurance purposes?

Also, what happens in real life when a glider goes down in the middle of nowhere? :)


The entrance/lobby of the "museum," where Crown returns the painting, is the entrance to the NY Public library (the one with the lions outside).


I knew I recognised that place. It's in The Day After Tomorrow isn't it? When the water comes down the street towards them they run into it. It was probably mentioned in the commentary too but I haven't heard it in a long time.


I don't know about the museum, but as an ex-glider pilot I can tell you that any glider always has its own crew following it around if the pilot is on a long cross country flight (usually the owner's wife or family or friends) with a pick-up truck and trailer, to drive it back to the airfield. They are in constant radio communication. Once you run out of hot air currents or thermals, for example if the weather changes, then a forced landing becomes almost inevitable. However, in this film, Brosnan appeared to stick close to the airfield he took off from, so even in bad weather he would have been able to glide back and land. These sort of gliders are EXTREMELY expensive - much more so than the glider in the 1968 original - and often more expensive than small powered aircraft. Think of them as slightly less expensive than a very expensive glass fibre yacht, and all the maintenance, ground crews, storage etc that that entails...

In other words, don't be taken in by this film!


They did claim in the movie to have travelled through four states ... which from eastern NY you could pretty easily do in any direction. LOL


When a glider is forced to land in a field they take off the wings, load it all on an odd shaped trailer and take it back to the airstrip. The trailer looks odd because it's glider shaped, including the tail.
