hated this movie

it is rare that i hate movies, i can dislike them, and even the ones i dislike the most i can find somthing good in them, hell i even think "plan 9 from outerspace" has a charm to it!

but this movie i hate with a passion. the father son relationship is the creepiest thing i have ever seen in a movie, and whats with the old guy getting his c*ck out every five minutes, after the fourth time i was praying he would do it again. the movie looks awful, which is a surprise becasue it has 2 D.P's!

most of the people in the film are vil git's, and it has no emotion level what so ever.

if you like your movies to have all of the above you'll love it,



i hate michael bay movies, and at least i can spell his name! as for spielberg he is probably the most influential directors ever.

please tell me what you liked about this movie? becasue i am racking my brains?

it made me feel dirty watching it.



ok we are both crapy spellers, lets get over it!

you said that this movie was very funny, where exactly was it funny?!?! your going to have to tell me becasue i didn't laugh once, not even a smile! it was creepy and not in a good way!

and steven speilberg just dosn't make blockbuster, heres a few that aren't :- the colour purle, empire of the sun, E.T., always, schindlers list, Amistad, saving private ryan, A.I, and that just off the top of my head!

i think you have a very backwards opinion of movies!




so if a peter greenway film grossed over 100 million (which would never happen) you would automaticly not like it because it would be become a blockbuster.



so you only like crap movies then.



I've never seen the movie. Although it sounds pretty gross (implied incest between father and son). But I'm inclined to agree with stuart. Not necesarily on the hatred of the movie, but on his opinion of your opinions.



what it means is for example schindlers list is a very good movie but you don't like it in principle just because it did well at the box office.





Spielberg is an idiot, he makes movies for the brain less masses!!!!!! Peter Greenaway makes films!!!!!!! for people who can think on their own! and don't need the distraction of special effects to understand a movie.


please!! greenway's films are replant, pretentious soul distroying pieces of sh*t



sorry, but i think that the thing is that you dont dare to look inside of yourself as a man, which is the hole point of the movie.

what greenaway has done in the film is a very brave thing: to look himself and disclose his male fantasies. in the dialogue of father and son when they are seeing fellini's 8 1/2 the father ask "how many film directors make movies to satisfize their sexual fantasies?", and after that, the concubine thing starts, and greenaway, just like fellini did in 8 1/2, shows himself whitout shame, saying: "this is my fantasy and probably the fantasy of a lot of men: a court of women out of the comun range that do everything that i may ask to them"

that is the point: the entire movie is a fantasy and a psichoanalytic story. remember that the engine is the mother's dead: both father and son feels liberated whit it, and that is not a thing that everyone is ready to accept (that the own mother's dead may carry goods thing inside). the son must confront his edipic hate to his father after the mother's dead, and what he do is help him both to accept the facts: they are eachother the most closer relatives in the world and they cant break a parts because of the dead.

shows that sex has no age and that behind a old body may be exciting things (quoting palmira) and the exquisit complicity may exist in a father and sonrelationship

and at the same time shows that all that stuff is not enough. whit the use of general takes we appreciate the lonelyness of the characters and whit the close ups we get insite they minds.

well, i could write a lot about this movie, but what im trying to say is that you cant judge it just from a glance, like you can do whit, for example, spielberg movies.

p.d: if i have spelling errors, i must say that im not an english speaker


Sorry, letrasdemolde, but when the father and son talked at one point about each others c**ks for about 10 minutes, this movie completely lost me. Value and appreciation can be seen in anything, I suppose, but if one has to try so hard to look past these levels of utter profanity and twisted, disgusting behaviour (not to mention the older guy's boring acting), then you just have to chalk it up to an example of a bad movie and a director that failed. Utter garbish. While I was in the cinema, about half of the people walked out, including myself.

I'll give Pillow Book a chance during this week though, and try to forget this unfortunate, degenerate movie.


it made me feel dirty watching it.

You say that like it's a bad thing...


Seriously, why conclude that a film that creeps you out and makes you uncomfortable is bad? Who said art had to be comforting? Do you find "Guernica" comforting? Perhaps what you have in mind is a warm blanket and some milk & cookies.

It seems to me that the things in life that make us uncomfortable are precisely the things we should be looking at if we want to understand ourselves.

What I absolutely can't understand though, is the suggestion that the cinematography in this film is bad. As far as I recall, every frame is gorgeously composed and perfectly shot.

I used to want to change the world. Now I just want to leave the room with a little dignity.


seriously, why can't a person have and hold their opinion that the movie sucks? who cares if someone hates it? good for them! and if you love it, good for you!

i am so sick and tired of condescending arty types who can't handle it when someone doesn't like what they themselves like. as if it's a personal attack or something. grow up! so this person doesn't like the film. hardly a reason to be a jerk and make rude comments.

i didn't really like the film myself, but am glad i saw it a few times. and i really don't give a rat's pattoot if someone else hates it or loves it. it's not going to take anything away from my personal experience and view of it.


I think you've rather missed the point of having a discussion board, cerra snail.

Personally I didn't insult anyone, so I assume your comment was directed at someone else, but in general the boards here are for people to explain why they liked or didn't like a movie and for other people to agree or disagree with them and give their reasons.

If you're not comfortable with that, best to stay out of the message boards perhaps?

I used to want to change the world. Now I just want to leave the room with a little dignity.



This is directed to the starter of the post, Munter69, his original post and no one else's.

Greenway is an acquired taste. Either you like his style or you don't. Most of his films have a lot of nudity in them, both male and female but usually more male. A lot of the talk is intimate and uncensored. A lot of it is meant to be ironic. There are a lot of layers to Greenaway's films that come out in watching the movie over and over again. I personally like watching his movies and getting all the metaphors and underlying meaning, but some people like watching a movie once and that is it.

I am unsure where you mean it your post when you say you wanted to see the old man's penis again if you didn't like it. Is that a typo? See what I said above with the nudity.

I've always liked Greenaways style of photography. All his films have the same unique lighting, so you probably wouldn't like them. I like them because his made his own style, he writes a lot of his own unique stories and has a lot to say. Like 8 1/2 Women has many layers and some of the situations are funny, if you are into wit and deadpan humor. I tend to turn on the subtitles so I can see all the words, it helps to fit the wit because a lot of the dialogue goes fast.

I guess a positive thing to say was that Greenaway got a rise out of you and I think good movies do that. I liked it because I thought the story was good and unique. You hated it because of the same thing. To me, that is greatness.
