Similarly Shot Films

Excluding Dogme, what other films are shot like this? On Mini-DV or cheap handheld film cameras.

Stuff like John Cassavetes kind of work...etc.


well the best mini DV film ever is David Lynch's INLAND EMPIRE

some others are...
Pergitory House (even though it isn't very good)

Dancer in the dark


28 days later

open water


Yeah, I've seen most of those. I'll have to have a look at Inland Empire though.

Any more suggestions? They don't necessarily have to be shot on digital either. DV was just the term I used for low-budget. It might have been misleading.

Think Husbands and Wives, or Shadows...


Yah totally look up INALND EMPIRE (its my second favorite film ever)

the best low budget film is Eraserhead (same director as INLAND EMPRE, David Lynch)

but some classic low budgets

Night of the living dead

Pink Flamingo's (much like the idiots except more raunchy and raw)

Run Lola Run

Epidemic (not really that great though)

early Bergman films where great

Lost Highway

Last house on the left

El Topo


See "MANIC" - starring Joseph Gordon Levitt - its one the best films ive seen shot in a very similar style.

"You are beautiful. You're the most beautiful girl in the world. You are my dream." - Harry


Transformers (2007)

"Sheds are bourgeois crap."


YES! TRANSFORMERS! I am going to buy the dvd.

"I might as well be blind!"


Visitor Q by Takashi Miike is shot entirely on cheap handicams. There's use of props, gore, tripod, etc in certain scenes, but the whole thing is done with the type of camcorder you'd take on holiday with you.


Maybe... Roman (2006)


Following - Christopher Nolan's first micro budget feature.

Rhythm Thief - very good New York-based film.

The Plague - micro budget feature, made for about £3k.

The Inheritance - another micro budget feature, made for about £5k.


every giuseppe andrews movie
