The Idiots (1998)

The first thing that has to be said is that The Idiots is definitely NOT for simple entertainment. But yet I doubt there is any other film out there quite like it...

Von Trier is a great director, able to get the best possible performances from his actors. Unlike the other films that I have seen from him, the performances here come from the ensemble cast as a whole, and each is powerful in their own way. There is not one false note here. When reading the plot I thought that maybe this would be Von Trier's funniest film. Yet I was wrong. If anything, the obvious Dogme movement gives it an affecting and shocking look. I have to note that the plot itself is quite brave and completely unnerving, which is why I think that this is perhaps his most challenging film yet, and in a way, his most disturbing.

From the five films that I have seen from him, this probably ranks last, just because as a film it doesn't quite get going, yet by the ending it still manages to have a great effect.

I see that it is labeled as a 'comedy', yet I fail to find the humor at ALL in it. It just didn't have a comedic tone to it
