
Hey i know rachel died. But what happened to the rest of the animorphs?



what is the story with tobias and rachel? How does rachel die

I wish you would love me



I think I'm in the minority, but I never liked the ending to the Animorphs series. Rachel's dead, Jake lost his family, Cassie and Jake never get together, Tobias and Jake disenchanted with the world. It was too depressing.


Yeah, but there is really no other way to end it. It was a great series and my favorite of all time. The tv show was the worst thing ever and I was so disappointed to see such a great series represented so terribly through television. KA Applegate ended the book series in a perfectly logical way. Congrats to her for creating such a wonderful and imaginative series.


No, you're not. I hated it too Most everyone I have talked to has stated they hated the ending as well.

Video games don't kill people. Stupid people kill people.


the ending imo was just OK...it wasnt great but it wasnt absolutely horrible...i hated that rachel died..but of course if one of em had to die she seemed like the logical choice...i dont know why but she just did...what bugged me more than anything was how tobias was done in it...he was always my favorite character because i was more like him and i absolutely hated that he didnt have much in it....the ending annoyed the hell outta me because we dont know what happens to anyone...not even cassie really..i mean we know she is still alive but i would like to have seen more into what else was happeneing to her...and something that i just didnt understand was the fact that i KNOW most of the auxillary animorphs were killed but were all of em killed...i reread the last 2 books over and over again and i just dont remember it ever saying if any lived...but overall the last book was a good one...i wish she would decide to write just ONE MORE book...so amny want to know what happens but also it could be a bad idea because what if she had them all die..yeah...that would not go over well with most


So Tobias comes out of the whole atory alive!? Yay Tobias!



cassie was the one who stayed on earth...tobias, marco, jake all went to find ax

so if infact they do all die then cassie is the only remaining animorph




I didn't necissarily 'hate' the ending, it just bothered me.

I can see why Rachel had to die. She was the one Animorph who would not have been able to adjust after the war.

And with her dead, Tobias doesn't have any reason to stay in the human world. Rachel was his sole link to humanity.

And then at the very end, when they ram the blad ship...

I liked how K.A. ended the series...but, it also bothered me a lot.

I guess because it's so depressing and realistic.

I dunno, it has always just bothered me...


i think they just grew up too fast

and after reading some of the story all i can say about the series is"damn!! that *beep* is cool"

also they should redo the tv series make it a little more mature turn it into an hour long thing and have the people who made the aliens in men and black do the effects and wat not

they also should use the book as a script and not a reference

then it would be kick ass


I always thought K.A Applegate would reveal their last names in the end, but instead, we only got Jake's, which was Berenson. (Which is a nice name I must add!) And didn't Cassie reveal in a book she had nice-sounding last name? Yeah, I wanted to hear it. I think it would've been a good idea, we would've connected more with the characters in some way.

I thought the ending was SH*T! It would've made a kick-ass plot line somewhere in the middle of the series, but no, not the end. It left me hanging on a thread. Man, I was pissed! I wanted to know what happened. It would've been so cool to follow them on this exciting adventure, and see them up to their old tricks again, like Marco cracking his crappy jokes, but it ended so abruptly. Although, it wouldn't of been the same without the usual crew. BUT STILL!!! I think K.A. Applegate should finish off the ending, c'mon, after all these years, she must miss the characters, so as a return, she should finish it off. I was so mad, I was gonna start a petition for K.A. Applegate to finish it off, or write an angry letter to her, ya I was that mad lol.

(Yeah, I know, technically, the series has finished, but you know what I mean lol)

It had such a cool plot line towards the end...

Cellulite is not an imperfection, those dimples are saying "I'm sexy" in braille...



did she die in the book or tv show ?


I cant believe I'm saying this, but if you had joined the "official Animorphs fan club" or something back in the day, you got a bunch of cheap dumb Animorphs stuff. One thing was a tiny note pad of sorts that had stuff such as the last names of all the Animorphs and the correct pronunciation of stuff--for instance, Chee is pronounced CHAY, something I remember the TV series getting wrong.

I think I have some of that crap still, but I doubt I'd ever find it.


are you serious? i've always wondered what the last names of everyone was. do you still remember them???


I thought the only last name ever revealed was Jake (Berenson).


How did Jake's parents die?


Jake's parents didn't die. Tom did. Jake lived with his parents till he was 17 and after the Visser's Trial he wrote a book about Rachel and Tobias, from that money he bought his parents a house and left cause he decided it was time to move on & nothing would bring Tom back.

"hahahahahaha hehe hoho he ho he haha he ha ho!!! And I thought My jokes were bad"


You're not in Minority bro...
I think most of the ppl hated it.
It was logical though.
Someone had to die, it wud b lame if they went through ALL those battles and came out alive and lived happily ever after...it wud b extremely Corny.

Jake had killed 17,000 Yeerks in one shot and then saw Rachel kill Tom on his orders only to see her die because of his plan. Naturally he'd lose himself and become distant from everyone.

Tobias blamed Jake for what happened to Rachel and neither cud he stand Marco's joy over winning after Rachel had died only a few minutes ago, so he left.

Cassie was always career-oriented... obviously she'd move on.

But the problems with the ending were just TOO MANY:

> Marco not affected by Rachel's death. They may nt be romantically involved but c'mon, they were in this war for 3 yrs and saved each other's lives for countless number of times and now he isn't bothered by her death?

> Rachel may have died but Tobias now had Loren too. He abandons his mother jus cause his Girlfriend dies?

> James and his Anirmorphs all DEAD... that was annoying. Some had to die ofcourse. But ALL?

> THE WHOLE KELBRID SPACE BIT... C'mon, Let them have peace... its annoying. The animorphs won, its over. It may nt b a happy ending but atleast make it look like a peaceful one.

> What happened to the Chee? I knw Erek left Jake on bad terms but he still had to be friends with Marco.

"hahahahahaha hehe hoho he ho he haha he ha ho!!! And I thought My jokes were bad"


Not only that but they all die in the end but cassie. I mean come on who on that ship would've survived after jake rammed it? It's VERY depressing.


See, I don't like kitten and rainbow endings, but I had one very major problem with the ending...

My least favorite character was the only one that survived!

Was I the only one who freaking hated Cassie by the end of the series?


I think you missed a big part of the series. its asy to dehumanize yerks cause they are alien slugs in a children's book, but in that reality they are sentient creatures. they weren't totally evil either, you think if an American soldier pressed a button and killed 17000 nazi germans he'd just shrug it off?
Cassie "angsted" about David multiple times, that was a big turning point for the group.
I get why people might not fully enjoy the ending mainly because it's a cliffhanger but what it does that is important is stay true thematically. very early on the reader understands this is a story about war. yes its scifi and somewhat fantasy but it really deals with how people react psychologically to war.

listen to the receiving end of sirens.


You don't actually know they die in the end. You just know that Jake orders them to ram the Blade Ship. Applegate deliberately left it on a cliffhanger so we would create our own stories.


