MovieChat Forums > CatDog (1998) Discussion > What a Piece of Garbage

What a Piece of Garbage

Why Does Nickelodeon make these crappy shows. Allow me to haze this cartoon pice by piece

1. The Concept of this stupid cartoon is not only gimmicky, it's unoriginal (See Porky in Wackyland, 1938, Bob Clampett used a Half Cat-Half Dog in Wackyland as a throwaway gag)

2. The Animation sucks. The Colors are bright enough, but it's like a ty-dye piece of feces.

3. The Characters. A Dopey Dog attached to a wimp cat. And a bunch of even worse characters, most being one-dimensional caricatures

I'm Glad Nick had the sense to Cancel this piece of horse dung.


Stereotypes abound. I did like Mr. Sunshine though.

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"


I liked Mr.Sunshine too.I grew up on watching CatDog.If it's ever on NickToons or it's in the On Demand section,I'll make time to watch it.

Killing folks is easy being;politically correct is pain in the ass-Achmed the Dead Terrorist


Hey kevinm1. Do you really think you could do better? I don't see your 'fabulous' cartoons on tv, do I? If you have the opportunity to critcize someone elses work, I'd like to see yours. Thank-you.


Just cause someone can't do any better doesn't mean they have no right to critize others work. WE DON'T ALL HAVE TO SAY OH WOW IT'S GREAT when it's not. Grow up!



As, I said grow up. If someone insults a show I like a don't give a crap we all have our own opinions and frankly I think as long as they're reasonable we shouldn't have to keep them to our selves. Then we'd never know what anyone likes or hates.


The thing that ultimately convinced me this show sucked was in the episode where one of them was smart for one reason or another and were fighting over the brain. So they were saying supposedly smart things. And Cat says "the circumference is equal to pi times the radius squared" or something like that. But come ON people, C=2*pi*radius. AREA=pi*r^2

So yeah, if you can't get simple geometry that 7th graders are doing now (not that I approve of uber-accelerating everyone beyond their maturity level), you don't deserve to be on the air.



So you rather watch Fanboy and Chum Chum, the new episodes of Spongebob (Not the 1999-06 episodes), and The Fairly OddParents (the 2008-12 episodes) than this show. You must be f-cking crazy!


I would like you guys to realize that this is a CARTOON FOR KIDS. I have no idea how old you guys are but if you're over the age of 13 then you really disappoint me. You guys are complaining about how stupid and retarded a show is that is on Nickelodeon that to entertain kids. If they like it then that's what matters, that's what its made for. Doug had friends of all different colors, the Rugrats can talk to Angelica and she can talk to the adults, but there's no communication between the two groups, and spongebob squarepants is about a talking sponge. Does that make sense to you? No, because it is supposed to entertain children. And the creators of Catdog also made the show Spongebob Squarepants, so if you love that show then you may not want them to kill themselves. Go finish your homework for school. If you're older than that, then get a life, stop ripping on people who're trying to entertain kids. Yes, I realized that I may be just as bad for ripping at you guys, but i couldn't bare your ignornace and stupidity any longer. And as stupid as you are, I don't wish anyone to kill themselves because i'm not that low of a human being, not for stupid people or for creators of a damn cartoon.


When this show first aired, I was about 10-years old. A kid by Jason_11Chris's standards. Now, I know a retarded cartoon when I see one. After all, I grew up loving Ren & Stimpy and Rocko's Modern Life, and nothing says retarded like those shows (but they were (and still are) BRILLIANT!). However, from the minute I saw Catdog, I hated it. I hoped that as the episodes went on, the show would improve but still really sucked. Now I am 17-years-old, and the show is just a step above Spongebob (another retarded cartoon, but that's a different story for a different forum). Nickelodeon used to have great shows, but they really started jumping the shark around 1998 with Catdog, the birth of Dil Pickles in the Rugrats Movie and Spongebob would escape from the kitchen and into the sea one year later. But this show was just plain awful!


hey jason 11chris i think you right.what you said needed to be said


I just graduated college and I've always loved Catdog
so sorry, actually just because CatDog isn't as popular as Spongebob, doesn't mean that CatDog doesn't appeal to other ages besides children.
Winslow in particular has very appealing wit to entertain adult cartoon fans
it's the social satire that made me fall in love with this cartoon

...the earth is doomed...


I , too, consider this one of the *beep* animated shows ever made (story-like).


"1. The Concept of this stupid cartoon is not only gimmicky, it's unoriginal (See Porky in Wackyland, 1938, Bob Clampett used a Half Cat-Half Dog in Wackyland as a throwaway gag)"

Actually I think they made a refrence to that in the Halloween special...

Vampire Tick: Hey look at that! A cat attatched to a dog! What are we in wackyland?!

I just found that interesting...



Also in the Simpson's 7th Halloween episode when Santa's little helper and Snowball 2 go inside that chamber and end up like Catdog, that is where i thought they got the idea for this cartoon.


Oh yes because everything the simpson's has done is completely original

...the earth is doomed...


'87 here. I was a kid when this show came on and even as a kid I hated it! At first when I heard that there was going to be another cartoon with a cat and a dog I thought "Yeah! Another Ren and Stimpy...This show will be great..." I couldn't have been farther from the truth. I know this is cliche', but they don't make shows like they used to...That's why Dvd sales are so big. I miss all the old shows. Though I am sure that children only exposed to this garbage will be saying the same thing in 10 years.(With loving execption to Spongebob, I don't care how many people hate it. I love it...and will continue to watch it because it is funny and has humour for adults as well as kids, but that is besides the point) I am going to expose my kids to as many old shows from the golden years of Nick, as well as Pbs (They had great shows) and Disney (Like Dark wing duck and Tale spin). Also I would like to say that even though someone may not make their own cartoons they have the right to say whatever they want about a show. Also people who watched these cartoons as children or as adults also have rights to give there opinions. The more perspectives the better I always say!


it was an okay show. just another odd couple plot though.


It was okay. I wouldn't say it was the reason Nick got crappy but it was okay
Q.How do you make a living life form?
A. A man and a woman!



Actually if you ask me, this was a time when nickolodeon was makin the shows that I miss most from my child hood, this show being one of them


I found this cartoon to be average, I liked it but dont miss it. I am 22 and I like cartoons but I dont really care what anyone thinks about that.


thought the same thing but I actually like it better than Ren and Stimpy because while r and s was mostly gross out this gross out that, catdog had a balance of gross out humour but not all the time.
it seems to me a lot of the critics are just seeing the less than great eps, and or because it didn't get popular like spongebob

...the earth is doomed...


I liked CatDog a lot and thought it was a good show! Comparing it to the ones on now it's better than most of them (on Nick and especially Disney, eexcept Kim Possible, I love that show). I don't know what everyone's problem with it is but maybe it's just not their taste. Some people like stuff some don't. But it was a good show and I don't know why you're ragging on it. And the person saying because they put the wrong formula for a circumference the show sucks? You know in The Wizard of Oz at the end when the Scarecrow get's his degree and states a really smart sounding formula? It was actually the wrong formula, but I doubt you would try and say that movie sucked just becuase of one tiny messup. A lot of people don't remember things after they've finished that year either or are out of math. Why don't you ask your parents that so called simple formula, I'm sure they wouldn't remember it unless they are teachers or just are good with keeping up with math. I think this show was way better than like Rocket Power (I sorta liked it when it was on, but now think it was horrible). A lot of people think just because it didn't come out closer to win all the classic Nick cartoons came out it sucks, but it doesn't. I think this was one of the last few good cartoons to come out on Nick. I thought Spongebob was good when it debuted and liked it for awhile but then just started to hate it. Plus them trying to cash in from the show so much is disappointing when they could be cashing in by putting some of the classic Nick shows and cartoons on DVD since there seem to be a lot of people who want them. Just look around half of the Nick show's boards.


HOW DARE YOU INSULT CATDOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


in my opinion catdog ruled!!

this gurl just lost her mind



