Decent, but confusing

Please be advised this here post continas

This was a pretty decent sci-fi/time travel flick. The only thing I did not
understand was how did the father die in an accident? I mean I
understand they came and got his son from back in the past, but he
also existed in the (first) future in which he grew up to become the man
to kidnap himself back in the past. The father left his time period, and
we all saw the wife burst through the door and he was no longer there
and all. So who did she and the kid grow up with if they both went into
the future? That makes no sense at all. Also the father says he was a
marine, so how did he get his butt kicked by his asshat boss? And when
the mother in the future saw the son, why did he look at her as he never
saw her before, when they went to her to find information about him as
well. Why did the chicks gun keep jamming and the two bad guys did
not see/hear here there. There was a few plotholes and nonsense with
this flick, but it was decent I guess.

If you watch it, they'll make a sequel to ruin it.


He died in a car crash by drinking and hitting a tree, then the tree fell on him and impaled him (must have been a weak tree). The young Brendon never recognized his mum when she was 30 years older, he'd never seen her before, he just thought she was a crazy lady who hugged him. So what if they went to her for information, that doesn't magically let her son from 30 years ago recognize her too. I never understood tho why Brendon and his father were present 6 years after they disappeared, that future should be different. Plus I never understood why Brendon thought he would change if he looked after himself, doesn't his younger self need to go back in time 30 years and grow up to be him, growing up in the future makes no sense cause then there would be no future Brendon, it would be a paradox. Also the whole changing history thing would cause a paradox, they wouldn't know what repercussions would happen, the future would be different if they changed the past, making the reason for changing the past disappear.

"sir, sir, i gotta check and see if you've soiled yourself, I'll get to you in a moment, sir!"
