don't listen

to the dumbass who wrote the review, hicks is awsome. the guy who wrote it probably thinks dennis leary came up with his own material. and he also probably likes one liner comics who don't have one ounce of creativity in there body.


I agree that Hicks is amazing. I haven't heard that much of his stuff, but I've heard enough. I don't really listen to that many comics, but I have heard a little bit about Dennis Leary stealing from Hicks. What is the deal with that? Does he actually take specific bits or what?



Leary didn't steal anything from Hicks. If you're not a dumbass then you'd realize they were both coming up at the same time. In fact, if you read around, you'd realize that they were even friends. I've got tons of Hicks AND Leary, and I've never found a copied bit. If anything, Leary stole more of his style from George Carlin than anybody else. Go back and listen to Carlin and you'll realize that much.

You guys think just because they're both avid smokers that Leary must have stolen some thing from Hicks.


You Spam Me - actually your are a little off the mark - but I'm sure you are man enough to admit it when presented with some facts.

In fact Leary stole plenty from Hicks - the whole Jim Fixx routine from No cure for cancer is pretty much verbatim from a routine Hicks was doing 2 years previously is a very good example of Leary's theft of Hicks material - but hey - I thank Leary for it - I like the fact that we have slimy, beer hawking, corporate whores like Leary to compare Hicks' genius to.

The irony of a soul sucking demon disguised as a saint disguised as a devil(Leary), and a Saint disguised as the devil incarnate doing what was often very similar material isn't lost on me either - maybe they were both having a joke on us :-)

Carlin, Leary, Hicks and Bruce all had pretty similar styles, but material-wise they weren't all that similar with the only exception of the material that (now that we are all agreed on this point) Leary stole from Hicks.
Hicks also studied the techniques of Chaplin, Keaton, Woody Allen, and Richard Prior - as did most comedians of his age - so I'm not really sure what your point about Hicks & Carlin is driving at.


I remember some of Hicks' and Learys' material being similar, specifically bits about Jim Fixx and Keith Richards, but I really didn't think Leary was ripping him off until reading 'American Scream', Hicks' biography.
The reviewer is entitled to his opinion, but I don't think he's looking at Bill's work with enough scrutiny, rather seeing it as the vast majority of the public would: A comedian who jokes about Debbie Gibson being skewered on Jimmi Hendix' buzzsaw dick isn't funny.
I winced when I saw Leary doing TV ads, but after realizing he stole material from Hicks, I can't even listen to his two albums anymore. It makes me sad that Hicks is gone. I know he would be mad as hell right now, and he'd be writing some great stuff. Every year on February 26 my friend and I have a few drinks for Bill while listening to nearly all of his discography.
American Scream, by Cynthia True, should be interesting for anyone out there who really digs Hicks and is curious about what more was rolling around in his intelligent, sincere, angry, and hilarious brainmeats.


BTW - IMDB give Hicks an "uncredited" writing credit on No Cure for Cancer - says it all really

ps - for the 10th aniversay of his death I was thinking of getting some pendants made up to look like a diseased pancreas - "just keepin the memory alive baby!"

I'm sure Bill would have appreciated that


You whining puss,you say you go through 3 packs of cigarettes a day?I go through 3 lighters...Hicks had this statement downpat way before Leary.



Excluding Jim Fixx, can any one give me other examples of how Leary stole so much from Hicks? I keep reading about how much Leary stole from him, but the only example I see is of Jim Fixx. And how much did Leary plagerize, his whole album, a couple of lines, most of his album? I don't see how Leary could plagurize so much to piss people off to the extent of boycotting him. And why didn't anyone pursue legal actions? Even though he is dead, Hick's relatives could still go after Leary.


In the Bill Hicks biography it refers two or three times how much Hicks hated Leary. They were never friends. They never met. Bill even told a little joke about Leary on Dennis Miller's shortly run show. And another thing, Hicks was doing comedy way before Leary. He started in the late 70's.
Pick up the book: BILL HICKS AGENT OF EVOLUTION by Kevin Booth and Michael Bertin. It is amazing.


to thebert, good and buy an oprah cook book.


the whole judas preist thing maybe?


Dennis leary stole the whole sketch about how good visionary people die young whilst evil people (hick's example was lennon dead,ghandi dead malcolm x dead , reagan wounded) whilst leary mearly twisted the joke replacing reagan with yoko ono.

he also stole the sketches about smoking.
he also stole the angry smiker persona that hicks personified.
the man is a thief pure and simple.

-Iraq terrible weapons terrible weapons,
-well how do you know that?
-well we looked at the reciept


Hicks has a writting credit for No Cure For Cancer. You do the math.


I can't remember who said this first:

"The only reason Dennis Leary is a star and Bill Hicks isn't is because there's no cure for cancer."

Couldn't have said it better . . .


"Hicks has a writting credit for No Cure For Cancer. You do the math."

That's really a sick joke done by some IMDb user. Check the fine print in the album to see that there is really no writing credit mentioning Hicks.


Hicks friends with Leary? You've gotta' be joking.

One time an interviewer asked Hicks as to why he quit smoking, he said(Rough Quote): 'I just did it to see if Dennis Leary would quit aswell'.


"I have a scoop for you. I stole his act. I camouflaged it with punchlines, and to really throw people off, I did it before he did." - Quote from Bill displayed on this site about Dennis Leary copying his material.



Just watch Sane man filmed July 14th '89 and then watch No cure for cancer filmed in '92 and try to say that Leary didn't rip off a huge portion of his act from Hicks.


haha yes, people should just realise Leary is crap. He ain't even funny compared to Hicks, why bother with watered down Hicks?


I want to say that I read somewhere that the title of Leary's "No Cure For Cancer" was an inside joke as well. If there was a cure, then Bill would still be alive and Leary would have been out of a job.


Funny, Dennis Leary only came to my attention with the beer ads, and the acting (I gather he's not too popular with Noo Yoik's firemen, either).

I guess it's feasible he has a similar persona, and therefore some similar material, to Hicks, but if he's stealing stuff I'm glad I've not seen his act.

Can't think where I first saw Hicks - probably when Revelations came on late night TV once.

Oddly, last year my mum (now in her 70s) told me about this really funny comedian she'd seen on TV, and went into Hicks' routine about his after-show run in with the Christians (who aren't physics majors).

I just smiled and nodded, thinking: They didn't show his "Suck Satan's *beep*!" routine, then.



try this, it shows material from both hicks and leary with date stamps, all shows are available from stores for date confirmation.

hope this ends the debate

calling us gay is one thing but calling us dykes is totally unacceptable


