
Don't know if anyone still checks this board, but here goes: does anyone know where I can download a full, xp-compatible version of quake? Any word on a retail re-release? Any info would be helpful...


There is an ULTIMATE QUAKE pack realesed with Quake, Quake2 and Quake 3: Arena. Buy that one, cant be to expensive.



Scout eBay if you can't find it...I'm sure there's a copy of the first game there. There's literally hundreds of patches that allow you to play Quake under XP, using Software rendering, Direct3D, OpenGL etc.

"May the furry tribbles be with you. Luke, trust the tribble!"



they released the source code a long time ago you can download quake quake2 quake3 and many other games from idsoftware on their ftp site
all you need is an ftp program such as filezilla


They released the source code, not the media. So it is still illegal to d/l it.



Yeah Quake isn't Abandonware just yet.

Roger Keith "Syd" Barrett - 1946 - 2006
