Best movie

This movie captured the working environment perfectly. I work for the Feds and Initech is how we run things. I love this movie and hope it never gets a sequel prequel reboot remake or reimage.



I quit my last office job in 1999. This movie brings back a lot of memories, not all of them good. Consultants did mean people were going to be axed. I lived through one purge. Survivor's guilt is a real thing, and I was paranoid about being downsized for years afterwards.


I lived through many purges until one finally got me (along with 10 other people in our department) in 2006. The story has a happy ending though. The elimination of my job served as my retirement. We all got a good severance package, and I had saved and invested enough to be financially independent. Life is sweet.

But if anybody wants to remake this movie, well then I believe they deserve to get their ass kicked! Don't mess with perfection.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


I got "RIFFD" many times. Our local phone co is unionized, so they found me some crap work until I got something better! :)
