MovieChat Forums > Office Space (1999) Discussion > I got fired for quoting this movie

I got fired for quoting this movie

What happened is I had this red swingline stapler just like in the movie, and my boss who is a fan of Office Space came up to my desk one day and said "YEAAAH, I'm gonna have to go ahead and take that stapler from you." and I responded in my quite good Milton impression, "Well ok, but... I could set the building on fire."
Anyway, my senior manager (who is a supreme b!tch) overheard me saying I was going to set the building on fire, I guess being too stupid, or maybe being too big of a b!tch to care, that I was just quoting Office Space, she reported me to HR, and just a little while later I found myself being escorted out of the building by security and told not to return or they would call the police. They didn't even give me a chance to explain myself.
So anyway, I was considering filing a lawsuit, but the attorney said that since I live in an at will employment state and an employer can legally fire me for any reason, I don't have a case against them.
I am now facing indefinite unemployment and having to live off the 401k funds I was saving. Once those run out I am looking at foreclosure on my home, losing my wife and kids, and basically having to eat my meals at the local soup kitchen. Nobody wants to hire me when they hear I was fired for threatening to burn down the building. Even when I explain to them that it was a joke, they just go, "Yeah, uh-huh, sure." and proceed to do whatever they can to push me out the door as soon as humanly possible. You would think that at least some of these people had heard of Office Space.


...this is a horrifically depressing post. Holy hell...

I hope it's a joke :(


I wish it was.


You probably got fired for being a moron, and they just used the arson threat as an excuse.

"Throughout history every mystery ever solved has turned out to be....NOT magic." -Tim Minchin



Well, I thought it was obvious I was quoting a line in a movie. I even did the Milton voice. Kind of hard to take someone seriously using a voice like that. I guess I misunderestimate the intelligence of people.



what a moron!

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification


"Well, he's useless. Gone!"

I'm your Huckleberry.


Did you try talking to your boss? He´s the only one, apparently, that could tell HR and the senior manager that it was all part of a play. Your boss also was the one that started quoting Office Space jokes.

Anyway, good luck!


Yeah I did talk to my boss, he agrees it's stupid and said he talked to HR about it, but they said the decision is final and I don't think he wants to push back because honestly he's afraid of getting on the bad side of my senior manager. So basically his job security wins out over me. Pretty sad it works out that way.


You make 3 times the amount of someone anonymous on the internet. In order to made an assertion like that you would have to be making a 6 figure salary to be that confident.

You have a boss who is not high enough on the totem pole and is afraid of someone with the title Senior Manager (Not VP or Chief).

Your life will spiral out of control and you will have to live under a bridge.

If all of that is believable then I guess you can write a virus to syphon off pennies so you can retire in the Caribbean.


Thanks for the tip.


And your point is? Yes, that incident did occur a few years ago whether you choose to believe it or not. I don't see what bearing that has on me recently being fired from my job. Don't believe me that I'm currently jobless and trying to squeak by on the last of my retirement savings? Well, then why am I sitting here posting on this board at 8:17 am central time instead of working, like any other normal person would be doing at this hour?

Bottom line is, DON'T BELITTLE MY SUFFERING. Why don't we make a deal? If you ever lose your job for some reason I want you to come on here and make a post about it so I can go, "HA HAAAA HAAAAAA! YOURE LYING, TROLL! GO BACK TO YOUR TROLL PIT TROLL!!! LOLZZZZ!!!" and let's see how you feel about it.



You're a sad, lonely, ignorant, bottom-feeder who has to lie to a bunch of strangers on the internet to get attention.

You mean your mom is.

How dumb are you? People work different schedules, people have days off, but I think the real reason you're not at work is because you're just not smart enough to maintain a job.

Not as dumb as you are. I probably earn triple the amount of money you make. Well, I did until I was fired anyway.

What a fool. Anyone who reads through the Totoro thread can see just how stupid, and what a terrible liar, you really are. BTW we're all still waiting for that link with your court case.

I already provided that link. And your the one who is stupid and a liar.



Your the one who is either terminally stupid or the biggest loser in the universe.


Did you move? You said you lived in Bradford, PA, which is Eastern standard time. FUAD troll.


Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays.









Yaaaaaas, I'm gonna go ahead and not feel sorry for you, even if that is true. 401,000 savings? Whaaaat's happening


Lol, that's a joke, right?


Riiiiiight. Methinks we have a troll.


When you're being interviewed for jobs, I don't think you have to tell them all the details of why you left your last job. Maybe put it in a different light, like it was time for a change or something similar. If anyone calls that company to ask about you, they might (hopefully) have a policy just to verify you worked there. I worked at a company that had such a policy. However, be careful who you give as a reference.

We have clearance, Clarence.
Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor?

