Mmmm, no

I waited for a month to get this from netflix, and saw it last night. I was eagerly anticipating this flick, since I read quite a few good things about it, and the plot sounded pretty cool. But Holy Crap, this movie was bad. Except for the gore, which is reasonably bloody, the rest of the movie is almost unwatchable.

My biggest gripe is with the acting. The acting is terrible. TERRIBLE. Not "Suburbia" from the 80's bad, but pretty bad. The voice overs are just... awful. The chick in the office with the husband that hates olives has obviously never smoked a cigarette in her life. The girl on TV describing what happened to her in the woods is completely unbelievable with all her "ums" she's throwing in. I know that super 8 film isn't the cheapest thing in the world but you coulda done some rehearsals and told the people to ACT, damn them! I don't understand how a director/producer could let a film go out like this.

The second thing I hated about the movie was the sound. In some spots it's good, done in a studio, and then there's some scenes where it sounds like they're just using the mic on the camera. In an interior office, there is no reason they shouldn't have gotten decent sound. Coupled with the bad, bad acting, it's unbearable.

Other things that bothered me were the crappy music they kept playin, the not-at-all-interesting back story (maybe it was just my disinterest because of the technical issues), the lame attempts at religious significance, and the weird mtv-style camera work, even though it actually works for some of the film, just not every stupid minute.

I like the washed out colors and the super 8. I really love the feel real film lends to a movie. My girlfrend really liked the man-ass in it, plus there were some boobies for me too. I can't believe these people got naked for this. There were also some good gore scenes (I really liked the girl dragging part), but they were few and far between.

I generally like bad movies, but this one was just too bad, even for me.


just about everything from Sub Rosa is some of the worst embarrassing garbage ever to exist
