MovieChat Forums > Earth (1999) Discussion > **** SPOILER************ **********What...

**** SPOILER************ **********What do you think happened to AYAH??

in the end she (lenny) tells us that she was either married to the ice candy walla, working as a prostitute or has actually made it to Amritsar?

but the weird thing i noticed was when the muslims dragged her out; they didnt really kill her or hurt her but they put her on a cart and drove away?? w/ the ice candy wallah... i dnt kno why but this always bothered me?


I saw this movie a while back.. but I'd say its safe to assume that they killed her.

"This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time."


I doubt she made it to Amritsar, the best thing for her would've been to marry that ass of an Ice Cream man but imagine getting raped regularly by the guy who was the most likely candidate to have killed her lover. But more than likely, I'm afraid they killed her, they tortured her first of course.

Treason like Beauty is in the eye of the beholder



In the book, Lenny gets to meet her again later. She was "employed" by Ice-candy man as a dancing girl in a brothel, and then later Ice-candy man marries her. After this, Ice-candy man is shamed by Lenny's Godmother and her mother arranges to have Ayah transported to her family in Amritsar. Ice-candy man follows her across the border, and the book ends there.


Tnx for the info cryme, the movie ending was very tragic & depressing, at least now, I don't have to worry too much about poor Ayah.

Treason like Beauty is in the eye of the beholder


Well this is much better than what I thought happened. I assumed they'd be taking their rage out on any Hindu they found. Still, a very sad ending. Is the book relatively easy to find?


thanks for telling us now I really want to read the book. Do you think it was good that they left all that out? I'm not so sure I would have liked to see it and that would have meant more scenes with Aamir khan but I actually kinda liked the ending of the movie


I actually just got done reading Cracking India for one of my classes (it is the book for Earth). The book is amazing. I did not mind the movie, but the book is so much richer and different. I would recommend reading it and it will soon become one of your favorites. I had more difficulty reading the book because of some parts that were so heart wrenching than I did with watching the movie. And a random tip, but the lady we see at the very end of the film during the voice over is actually Cracking India author Bapsi Sidhwa.


I too just finished reading the novel Cracking India for a British History course. The ending is really good, especially as Ice-candy-man attempts to present himself to Lenny's Godmother. She ends up berating him like none other and by the end he is on the ground crying and covered with snot. The book is written in a fascinating way as well because everything is seen through the eyes of Lenny so the way these hideous acts of violence are played out have to be interpreted for what they really are, not how Lenny describes them.
