Why Luke?

What was Luke's(David Carradine) reason for being in this again? No disrespect to the bloke-I hav'nt seen the film for years but I was trying to piece the COTC timeline together with friends the other night & no one could remember why Carradine (An adult) was hanging with the cult children in the first place BUT to make things even more screwy I have this hazy memory of his head bursting open in flames then Ezekiel saying somthing like "Dont worry about Luke, He's been dead for years" what the hell was that supposed to mean!?!? I really cant be arsed watching this again as I always thought it was the lowest point in the series, Can anyone shed any light on this-cheers.


JEEZ, wrote previous post yesterday hours before hearing about Mr Carradine's tragic accident, Feel like a bit of an arse hole now for bringing his COTC5 appearance into question-Was just curious regarding his characters apperance as an adult in a series that is based around killer kiddies.RIP DAVID CARRADINE 1936-2009.


it just means that he was being possessed


Despite this post being years old I just watched it and best I can figure look was the child's father who was killed by the boy once he was possessed. After that he essentially used his body as a puppet to hide from the town that they were a cult. The guise was he adopted orphans to work for him.
