Am I the only one...

who really wanted to kill Ann's mother? God... she drove me up the wall and then some... She acted like such a slut and then when Ann wanted to be her own person, she got so pissed off. It's like, lady, please! Just because YOU ruined YOUR life, doesn't mean you have to ruin Ann's life! I just wanted to kill her...

I'm not psycho, just a little loopy...




She was just a flawed lady, a bit selfish. But no one can deny she loved her daughter.

Professional Jayne Mansfield fanatic/loverâ„¢ since 1980.


This is true... I was just pissed at how she showed it. What a way to drive off your daughter... wow.

I'm not psycho, just a little loopy...


ya i agree she was alittle much... but i loved this movie!


lol cool! ppl agree w/ me! yeshhhhhhhhhhh! lol- idk about loving it, but i def liked it.

I'm not psycho, just a little loopy...


That was the whole point of the film. I'm surprised you missed that. There was a reason her character was the way she was.


Um... ^_- I got that that was the point. I'm just remarking on how annoying and smothering she was... I'm surprised you've never felt that way about someone that has all but smothered you all your life. It's not exactly easy, growing up under that kind of pressure for you to stay continously one age. I should know. My father wants/ed me to stay 5 years old forever. I'm now nearly 19. ^_- Do think about it... then come back to me.

I'm not psycho, just a little loopy...



*cough* Well excuse me for stating my opinion. Any cops over there wanna arrest me for stating my opinion?

I'm not psycho, just a little loopy...


i didn't hate adele, even though she was slightly insane but she wasn't afraid to be herself, overprotective, annoying, fun and she most definately loved her daughter, in the strangest, most obvious way and she wasn't ashamed of the fact that she made mistakes she owned up to them, and in the end she did the right thing and that to me is what makes someone truly remarkable and unforgetable , she is a well written character
