Did they have sex?

When the guy comes over to Ann's house, they kiss, and then it fades away. Did they have sex?

Champagne for my real friends. Real pain for my sham friends.


I can't prove it, but my gues is that they had sex...


no i don't think they actually slept together

just because she ended up on his shoulder crying when it faded i think she just wanted somebody to be there in that way for her

because her mom was more interested in heself and what she wanted for ann then what ann actually wanted and peter 'loved' her for what she was and whatever she was going to be at that time

i think by asking him to take off his clothes and bring his boxers to her she was testing him to see if he did in fact love her that much


In the book, they have sex. A lot. Haha.

Yeah, in the movie though, I definitely think it was implied that they didn't go any further than kissing (at least at that point) because Ann thought better of it.


In the original script, the characters of Peter and Ann do have sex. But at the time, Natalie Portman expressed that she was not comfortable with the sex scene, and so the writers compromised by filming the scene the way they did. Leaving it more to interpretation by the audience. And personally, I couldn't imagine a better song than the one they used.

