Jump VFX


A bit of a boring question but I was just wondering if there was an explination in or out of universe for the differing hyperspace VFX.

In Babylon 5 the jump points were consistent, it was one big swirly thing, which looked kind of like blue/orange TV static.

In A Call To Arms the jump points recieved an upgrade, rather than being one swirly thing it is now composed of multiple swirls and the patrern is now much finer than TV static. I assumed this new look was just a sign of CGI programs becoming more sophisticated. If I recall correctly, Lost Tales used the same effect.

However in Crusade they seem to bounce between using the new and old jump points.

Is there a reason for this, either in story or somerhing during the shows production (they switched VFX vendors?)


I'm watching Each Night I Dream of Home and it's really bugging me.

When the Drakh arrive, they use the new jumo VFX, however every other jump uses the old effect. Then at the end, arriving at Babylon 5 uses the new effect, but leaving is the old one again.
