The Good War

This was a surprisingly good movie. The love interest a girl named Betty was very attractive. I tried to find more information about her but info is sparse. I did wonder if she had anything wrong with her right arm although it doesn't detract from her beauty. All in all it was good story with sympathetic characters. This started out to be a bad prison commander vs good prisoners movie but Scheider's enigmatic character reveals himself to be quite different as the story progresses. Worth seeing.


I'm disappointed there were not special features with more info about the story. I also am dissapointed there is no trivia on the page.

Reasons why I believe in God


The 2nd half of this movie is brilliant!


It is brilliant!



I did not enjoy this movie. I found no sympathy for any of the characters and found the film too jumpy. If the film had fleshed out more of the dynamic between the love interest characters, it might have fared better in my opinion. The film just doesn't flow well for me and did not hold my interest. It seemed that it wanted to be every cliche movie in one and never would stick to one theme, jumping from one to the next. I was quite dissapointed.


Brilliant ... seriously??? Based on the 6.2 rating you may be lonely.

