Conner episode

Does anybody know what episode Conner Mcleod was in? and do you have a link to a clip or episode of said episode? I have alot of these on video but that episode seems to have escaped me.


I was watching an episode on Youtube, "The Sound of Madness" and found the Connor flashback. Go to 6:37 and watch away!


Thanks! watched it....and was sadly a litttle disapointed. Would have been nice to see more of an explenation on who Conner was in relation to Qwentin.


How can there be one? If Connor didn't win The Prize like the first movie shows (and he didn't or this series literally couldn't exist), then he's just some Immortal guy.


they also spoke of connor in episode EXODUS. QUENTIN USES HIS SWORD.


There was another episode (can't think of what one now, as i watched it just once about 12 years aho) where one opf the characters ( i think a fake ramirez) said somthing like " will you promise to take up the challenge, in memory of Connor Macleod?"


It would had been good if Christopher Lambert had done Connor's voice in that episode.
