
What happens next?
does Andy turn him in or not?


I wouldn't be surprised if they just carried on as if nothing had happened.

I'm only going to say this once: stay out of Camberwick Green - Sam Tyler


I hope not!
Pascoe should have said straightaway "I didn't kill him, I tried to stop him but when he started to taunt Croft, it was too late' Andy would have understood. He only helped get rid of the body ..... I mean this is our lad Peter! He was very stressed out poor thing!
Is there another episode on next week? Surely they won't make us wait a year?


Oh no. On the BBC website is says:

The current series has now finished.

How can they do this to us????????????????


yes, he helped to get rid of the body and all the imcriminating evidence. there was a similar storyline in The Bill recently, where one of the coppers helped to dump a body, and he was subsequently arrested and sent to jail. i hope the same doesn't happen to Pascoe, as it wouldn't be Dalziel and Pascoe, would it?!!


No, it couldn't happen to Pascoe. He was under a lot of emotional stress after seeing the killer found not guilty. It was just a 'mad moment' for him - they'll understand - Andy mustn't say anything!


Well I don't think it's going to be a problem at this stage - from what I gather the BBC have now decided to drop Dalziel and Pascoe with only the chance of further episodes being a one off special 'sometime' in the future. Which adds credence to Jarretr's comments in other threads.
I am NOT a happy camper.
