Anthony Calf

Anthony Calf looked FANTASTIC as Joe Furst in Project Aphrodite, his eyes captured me more than anything. Very convincing and very sexy performance.


A really great episode. I can't say if A Calf’s performance was sexy or not because i’m straight but it was excellent. He’s a very good actor who can act any kind of role.


I can assure you that he WAS -and IS- sexy, VERY, VERY SEXY! and good actor too...


that had to be his best role, after the nastiness of michael beauchamp in holby city and as strickland in new tricks. hope he continus to act for the forseeable future


Wait wait wait wait... New Tricks is an excellent tv series, with great production values, good plots and an outstanding cast. I love it. About Holby... it´s true, it´s junk, but Michael Beauchamp was one of the few characters that was convincing and well acted. Moreover, I've seen Anthony Calf in other productions -Amnesia, The madness of King George, Lorna Doone, The good samaritan-, and he really is a wonderful actor!


Are you mad? new tricks is excellent! I enjoyed all the series a lot. As much as I enjoyed this episode of Dalziel and pascoe. I don't understand why you say AC isn't a good actor. I think he's talented, with a beautiful voice and he's hot -very hot.


If you can, please see Mr. Calf performing in Uncle Vanya (Gate Theatre in Dublin, until November). I guarantee you that you will reconsider your opinion. He is a great actor.


I like new tricks too. and I like Mr. Beauchamp. and i like joe Furst in Project Aprhodite, and i like Anthony Calf... mainly Anthony Calf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
