Characters family names

I read a fanfic a short while ago that stated Throttle's family name was "Thornboy". Winikapedia says it's "Rimstone". Now I understand neither of these sources are reliable so I must ask, Does anyone know his real clan name? Vinnie is Van Wham, Modo is Maverick, Charley is Davidson, and I don't think they ever mentioned Stooker, Carbine or Rimfire's last names. Rimfire may also be a Maverick. I don't think it was ever spesified if his mother or his father was Modo's sibling. And didn't Rimfire have a sister? There was a flashback, from the three part ending of the original series, where two little Martian kids run up to Modo and hug him. One was a girl.
For some reason that scene, and the one where Vinnie nearly electicutes himself trying to escape his cell because Limburger claimed his flunkies were back on Earth hurting Charley, always stuck with me. Maybe because they were so high on "Ahhhh" factor.


Throttle's family name is Thorneboy, I don't understand how they came up with Rimstone... The family names of the others where never mentioned and I believe that Modo's sibling was never menioned either :( The little girl in the Once Upon A Time On Mars Trilogy is Rimfire's twinsister Primer. As far as I remember she was kidnapped by the plutarkians, but I'm not sure about that. There you go XD
