MovieChat Forums > Batman Beyond (1999) Discussion > Paralyzed Barbara still works in this sh...

Paralyzed Barbara still works in this show's continuity.

Here's how I always looked at it. If this show takes place in a deep technological future, it's not a stretch to imagine that advancements in medicine allowed a paralyzed Barbara Gordon to walk again, hence, the Barbara we have in this show. I think it works.


Someone would have to come up with a completely new story for how Babs becomes paralyzed in the first place. She can't have been shot by The Joker--he was already dead. The simple fact is that there is no evidence that Barbara was ever Oracle in the continuity of the Timmverse.

"You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion." — Harlan Ellison



She coulda been talkin' about Nigthwing




Barbara never appeared in this series, did she?


In Batman of the future, yes she did appear. In fact she was the comissioner of the police. She was in a few episodes, in the episode " Blackout " (I think that's what it's called, the villian Inq was in it )we see here at the end with a picture of her father, Jim Gordon on her desk.

In this series she was ofcourse an elderly woman, presumed to be in her sixties and she was more serious this time.

In fact she appeared in the Batman of the Future film " Return of the Joker" (which I would definately recommend).

Remember, there might be some MOMENTARY DISCOMFORT.


Barbara gave up her suit not long after the events of Tim Drake abduction by the Joker. Batman refused to work with her and unlike Dick, she probably could continue on her own.


Speaking of Nightwing I really wish they had a Terry meets Dick Grayson episode, he met Superman, Barbara why no Nightwing


I'm watching "A Touch of Curare" right now on The Hub. Barbara comes down into the Batcave to confront Terry and Bruce about interfering in police business. She walks over to the display cases and touches the BATGIRL costume and says "I see you've sewn up the bullet holes." So, they COULD definitely have this take place in the same continuity as Barbara being shot by Joker and becoming paralyzed. You have to remember, this show took place 50yrs in the future. It wouldn't be so far-fetched that a procedure had been done to allow her to walk again.


So, they COULD definitely have this take place in the same continuity as Barbara being shot by Joker and becoming paralyzed.

No they couldn't have. Not with Joker being the one who shot her anyway.
As Otaku-sempai pointed out above, Barbara was still active as Batgirl and with no signs of injury on the night of Joker's death.

Oh, and the show is actually closer to 30 years in the future as of this time of writing.
The official date for when it takes place is 2039.



If you watch the end of Batman Beyond: Return of The Joker, Joker had put himself into Tim Drake's body. Joker could still have done it.

No offense, but it is really, really pointless telling me to watch a movie that I made reference to in my last post. And no. Joker still couldn't have done it even then. In the film he implies himself that it took YEARS to emerge from Drake's body, and even then only for extremely brief instances. Hell, he even states as much that its only by the timeframe the film is set that he was able to take control at will and for longer periods of time.

Plus, Barbara was shot whilst in costume. And judging by where she motions the bullet holes as being located, she was facing her attacker when it happened.

That, and the night Tim Drake killed him is the last they had ever seen of him until the film.

So no. Crippled Barbara? Still a possibility. Crippled Barbara with Joker involvement? Not a chance.



This point is actually moot because I never ACTUALLY stated in my first post that JOKER could have been the one to do it.

Uh, yeah, ya did:

So, they COULD definitely have this take place in the same continuity as Barbara being shot by Joker and becoming paralyzed.

If you watch the end of Batman Beyond: Return of The Joker, Joker had put himself into Tim Drake's body. Joker could still have done it.

Those are your words from the previous two posts you made in this thread.
If that isn't suggesting Joker did it, I don't know what is.

OK, it took Joker years to emerge from Tim's body. What exactly does "YEARS" mean? It could mean 5 years. It could mean 20yrs.

And given the situations and events presented in the film, it seems far more likely it was closer to the latter.

Also, so what if it was only for short periods of time? How long do you think it takes to fire a gun? A matter of seconds.

And how long does it take to get into position where you're aiming at a specific target? Considerably longer. Especially given Joker states himself that he had no real control over when he would emerge from Drake's body until the timeframe of the film.

In order for him to have been the one to have shot her, he'd have had to have been in exactly the right place, at exactly the right time, and had the foresight to arm himself (or rather, Tim) beforehand. Something that would not have been possible, if changing from Drake was so difficult.

What, exactly, is your point in this? It doesn't prove anything. Do you not have any knowledge of anatomy? If you shoot someone from the front, the bullet can still go through their body and hit their spinal cord which would paralyze them.

Oh, don't be an ass.
My point was where she was motioning to; one of the "bullet holes" she mentioned, seemed to have been located on her chest... extremely close to where her heart would be.

The chances of surviving a shot like that from behind, especially if you received other bullet injuries also in close proximity, are close to zero.

The chances of recovering from a spinal injury of the like from behind, are only slightly higher.

Essentially making it far more likely, to me at least, that she was shot from the front (yes, I know, weak argument, but not without reason).

In any case, that part doesn't really matter.

What matters is something did happen to her at some point, she quit being Batgirl and she can walk in the future.




I said "IN THAT CONTINUITY", meaning, using that story as basis for the scene...but NOT NECESSARILY Joker.

Thank you for specifying so, But if that was the case you sure did a poor job at making that clear (the fact you continued to argue the possibility of Joker's involvement for example).

Have you seen any of the other DC Animated movies that are based on comic book storylines? Things are changed.

Try all of them. I'm well aware things are changed for the sake of the story. Hell, that was practically one of my points.

I don't know what you mean by "given the situations and events presented in the film,". Like what? Give references to back up your claim.

I have given references already. And I don't wish to keep repeating them.

1. I'm not being an ass.

"Do you not have any knowledge of anatomy?" is not exactly being respectful is it?

2. So what if one of the bullet holes was near her heart? People HAVE survived shots like that.

You're forgetting the other point I made... she mentioned "bullet holes". Plural. People have survived shots near their hearts (it is very rare, but possible). They've even survived shots completely passing through their bodies. Surviving multiple bullet wounds of the like is a virtual impossibility. It heightens the chance of shock, and makes the possibility that the victim will simply bleed to death (and those kind of injuries tend to be of the "2 minutes to spare before death" variety) before they are able to get medical attention all the higher.

Although, you do one point hidden in there... if she was shot once and the bullet simply passed through, there is a good chance that, depending on where she was hit, any vital organs would not be severely damaged by the force of the bullet, leaving it more likely they would live.

The multiple bullet wounds however, is where the problem would be.

Which means it could STILL have been from the back just like in the graphic novel "The Killing Joke".

She was shot from the front in The Killing Joke. Facing The Joker. When she answered the door.

All we saw was the front of the Batgirl costume, plus, if Bruce had sewn up the front, I'm pretty sure he would sew up the back as well.

True. I'll give you that.

But still, all this speculation doesn't really matter all that much in the end. At the end of the day, barring a few things we do know about; that's all it is.


Barbara Gordon was never paralyzed in the Batman TAS universe. They are a LOT of differences between the mainstream DC comic universe and the Timmverse,and trying to make them fit each other is just plain stupid.

I'll Teach You To Laugh At Something's That's Funny
Homer Simpson


On that point I have to wonder if the Arkham games are DCAU/Timmverse considering the voice actors and universe painted and if memory serves in those games Barbara acts as the Oracle (not to mention Tim Drake dons the Red Robin persona). How would we account for the games being canon in the universe if we assume this is true?

Just some questions for thought. Completely agree with previous posts on the matter that Joker could not of have done it otherwise.


The games are not Timmverse because Dent got scarred by Maroni in them, and in Timmverse it was an accident in Rupert Thorne's place that made it happen. Those patient interviews tell all.
