MovieChat Forums > Batman Beyond (1999) Discussion > Casting....Don't you dare say efron.

Casting....Don't you dare say efron.

Since I like people who can act and I don't want to destroy this show...there are only two or three options when it comes to casting the lead... 4 tops. either milo ventimiglia or joseph gordon levit. Preferably Joseph. Also to make the story more realistic he'd probably have to be in college not high school. If even in school at all. O and lastly, will friedle, the actual voice...he could probably play the roll or his former BMW co-star Rider Strong. But like I said. I just say this cuz I like people who can act. This movie will probably never be made and if it is I swear I will demand that I play the part myself just so they don't mess up the show that was probably my favorite as a kid. O and as for directors...I co-sign the Alex Proyas idea. someone else said PTA but he would never take the job.


When this show came out like 10 years ago, they should've gotten Will Friedle to play as Terry in a live-action movie. He does his voice already so you might as well get him. I dunno if he aged well since that time though.


yeah they should've and for now it would be a stretch...thats why i hesitated on putting in his name.


gordon levit's great. but not batman material. you'd need someone with a little more edge. a little less, feminine of a guy tho mcguniness's design does have those qualities. edward furlong's a bit too old and drugged out these days. but he would've rocked it.

R.I.P. Sean Taylor # 21



I know what you mean about levitt not being so...idk... tough. But I think that he could pull it off.... did you see brick?



Pity John Barrowman's too old- that's what Terry would grow up to look like, not the steroid-abuse design they used in Justice League. (It was a good story, but the character designs were epic FAIL.)


Sean Faris from Never Back Down as Terry, or Ben McKenzie or Cory Moneith or Chris Klein.
DB Sweeney could be Warren.
Lisa Darr or Annette O'Toole as Mary.
Jake T. Austin as Matt.
Clint Eastwood or Harrison Ford as old Bruce.
Robert Patrick as Derek Powers
Monique Coleman as Max Gibson
The Asian girl in Glee as Dana Tan



What's going to happen now.


Ha! Now it's 2012 and after seeing Joseph Gordon Levitt basically take the mantle of the Bat at the end of THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, this thread seems very ironic.


Agreed! :p

-The Ender of Threads.


Well I founded one well rounded casting call idea delection. Although s lot of them I agree with but some might be skeptical and won't work at all...

-Michael Clark Duncan wouldn't work because he past away
-Patrick Stewart would be great as Mr Freeze however there's his age to consider
-Clint Eastwood as old Batman still skeptical about that one

The ones I like though...

Thomas Dekker as Terry McGinnis
Wes Bentley as Bruce Wayne/Batman
Crispin Glover as The Joker
Bob Hoskins as Oswald Cobblepot/the Penguin
John Hurt as Alfred Pennyworth
