MovieChat Forums > Batman Beyond (1999) Discussion > Episode Screw up on netflix

Episode Screw up on netflix

I have been watching this cause I am huge batman fan and I haven't seen batman beyond since it was on saturday mornings, when I was a kid.

My only problem is episode 19, the eggbaby episode, it isn't that episode. It plays episode 8, hooked up, instead. I tried again to play it thinking I just chose wrong, but it did it again, but started again, but has played every episode correctly after 19.

has anyone else experienced this, or do you know why?


Same problem, they just messed up. I would go to their website and report it.


That must be a recent error because I remember watching that episode on Netflix about a week ago but yeah now I'm getting the same thing.


Yeah, that's odd if this just happened.


Yeah, the same thing happened to me 2 or 3 days ago. I went on their website and reported it; I figure if enough people do, they'll get it fixed. I was super-cheesed to see that they had this series on. I just hope that they put the remainder of the JLU episodes on as well.


the only thing i was sorta happy about was the fact it was that episode, which could be one of the worst.

^And they don't have all the JLU episodes?? Shoot, i was planning on watching that after.

I'll have to check my cartoon website I use to see if they have all of them. I actually was watching batman beyond on that until Netflix got it.


If they do, could you post a link?


I watch alot of old school cartoons/anime on this.


I'm pretty sure all of JLU is there... They just have it listed as 2 seasons instead of 3.
