MovieChat Forums > Batman Beyond (1999) Discussion > Any Melanie/Ten and Terry supporters?

Any Melanie/Ten and Terry supporters?

I always thought Melanie/Ten was far better than Dana, not only in terms of personal preference, but also character development (I think she was given more depth in 3 episodes than Dana was in the whole series).

Anyone else feel the same?

If they had a Batman Beyond movie, would anyone love to see a Terry/Melanie relationship where they struggle between their conflicting secret identities over one that had Terry running all over the city only to be chastised by Dana for not being there for two thirds of their screentime together?

dnoyeb namtab, gnuoy notloc


The problem with this is that the show made Dana a Mary Sue type of character. So if you gonna compare her to any girl on the show. They are gonna blow her out of the water everytime.


Right here. Ten should have been his Selina Kyle of this series. Dana was a drip.


I feel the same way, Dana is kind of boring when you get right down to it, Melanie/Ten is a more interesting character and has a more complicated and intriguing relationship with Terry.

My ignore list is quite large.


I thought Dana's friends Chelsea and Blade were more interesting than Dana.


They were definitely hotter than her.


Oh most definitely. I always was wondered why Terry didn't go for either of them. What an idiot, Bruce should have smacked him for that.


Must have been a personality thing. I don't get that one either. Dana was a nag.


Considering Terry is Bruce's clone. He should have the same taste in women as Bruce did. I don't think I can name anyone in Bruce's long list of love interest that was close to being as dull as Dana.


Considering Terry is Bruce's clone. He should have the same taste in women as Bruce did. I don't think I can name anyone in Bruce's long list of love interest that was close to being as dull as Dana.

Not from this cartoon series, but I can think of a couple of snoozers from the comics. That radio DJ Vesper for one. The best thing they did was kill her off.


"I always was wondered why Terry didn't go for either of them."

Chelsea I understand but Blade? Did you miss the eggbaby episode where she and Terry had to take care of eggbaby and Blade kept leaving it with Terry? Terry even said he "wanted a divorce." She seemed unlikeable to me. Blade was shallower than Dana.

That said, I would have liked more episodes with Melanie and I think Terry should have gone with her

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"


I love that episode.

Blades a party girl, did you really expect her to do the homework?

I wouldn't call her shallow. They barely focused on her as a character. They only used her as either an object of affection or damsel in distress. Dana had several episodes focus on her and she came of as blah each and every time.


"Blades a party girl, did you really expect her to do the homework?"

All the more reason why Terry and Blade wouldn't work. Blade struck me as a slacker and a little selfish. Besides, I think you're judging by your own tastes in women. Who knows, Maybe Terry prefers less wild women.

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"


All the more reason why Terry and Blade wouldn't work. Blade struck me as a slacker and a little selfish.
Well Bruce didn't have a problem with Catwoman and Talia. So I figure Terry wouldn't have problem with it either considering he's a clone of Bruce.

Besides, I think you're judging by your own tastes in women. Who knows, Maybe Terry prefers less wild women.
What? This has nothing to do with my taste in women at all.

I'm only pointing out that Terry is Bruce is clone. So wouldn't have it made sense that Terry had the same taste in women as Bruce did. Take a look at Bruce's love life and tell me he didn't have an attraction to wild women?


One Terry is not a clone of Bruce, he's his biological son. Two even if he does have some of Bruce's genetics doesn't' mean he'll be exactly like him.

Bruce lost both his parents at eight. Terry lost only his "father" so he still had family. He was raised in a different environment.

I also think its silly to compare Talia and Catwoman to blade as they were both complex characters. You said yourself that blade was barely featured in the show.

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"


One Terry is not a clone of Bruce, he's his biological son. Two even if he does have some of Bruce's genetics doesn't' mean he'll be exactly like him.
All true, but it doesn't change the fact that Dana was a boring character. Nothing against her, Bruce Timm and co wrote her that way.

Bruce lost both his parents at eight. Terry lost only his "father" so he still had family. He was raised in a different environment.
Again true but I don't see how that would have any baring on what type of woman Terry is attracted to. Truth is the show never really bothered to focus on Terry's relationship with the women in his life on a emotional level ( other than Melanie). So we don't really know what his interest are.

I also think its silly to compare Talia and Catwoman to blade as they were both complex characters.
The only comparison I made is to the wild women part. Its not like I said that Blade was exactly like them.

You sound pretty angry did I offend you in some way.


"You sound pretty angry did I offend you in some way."

Not at all, you said nothing offensive. Sorry for appearing that way.

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"


"What's wrong with Max? Gorgeous. And more than his equal intellectually. Don't call her Robin, but I think she'd look GOOD as a female Nightwing.


I would have liked to have seen what happened to Melanie after the animated series ended. Or whether her feelings towards Terry were actually genuine.
