
What's up with all the Illuminati Symbology? From the pyramids painting in Terry's dads office to the pyramid sculpture on Deanna's(daughter of Inque) coffee table. To Spellbinder's hand with glowing eyeball. Anyone care to divulge?


Well Batman himself is a re-imagining of a Nephilim. Offspring of fallen angels.


The giant pyramid structures and perhaps even the use of the eye are allusions to Blade Runner--even some of the flying cars.


You find this surprising?
Illuminati symbolism of one sort or another is rampant in almost all entertainment today.I just enjoy the shows for what they are these days.And roll my eyes every time I see an all seeing eye,or square and compass trying to get into my subconscious.

You will have next to nothing to watch or listen too in this day and age,if you turn it off everytime you see a illuminati sign.Thats how widespread it has become


retardation is rampant.
