Worst Episodes

My picks:

Speak No Evil
Sentries Of The Last Cosmos
The Last Resort
Ace In The Hole


To be quite honest, the ABSOLUTELY WORST Batman Beyond episodes of all time are:

The Eggbaby
Terry's Friend Dates A Robot
April Moon
Sentries of the Last Cosmos

Seriously, those episodes just did not feel like Batman Beyond at all. Especially "Eggbaby" and "Terry's Friend Dates A Robot". Those two episodes were the silliest. And while the second of the two actually stays a little true to the regular Batman Beyond tone/mood, Eggbaby does not. Eggbaby was not only real silly, but straight up goofy. It is okay for Batman Beyond to have its' funny, yet, hilarious moments. But eggbaby crossed the line, and even had corny & not even threatening villains in it. Eggbaby felt like another cartoon, where Batman Beyond guest starred, but in a huge role. Aside from that, Speak No Evil and The Last Resort were actually good episodes, while Rats was ok(especially 'cuz of Mad Stan's Debut). Ace In The Hole was a mild, ok, episode like Rats. Aside from the episodes I mentioned, Batman Beyond is one of the GREATEST CARTOONS EVER. I give it a tie with Marvel Comics' "Spider-Man The Animated Series". And regardless of what many people say, I think that it is better than "Batman The Animated Series". I even like it more than Marvel Comics "X-Men The Animated Series", and I am DEFINITELY MORE OF A MARVEL GUY than I am a DC Guy.


You hated The Eggbaby and Terry's Friend Dates A Robot? I thought those were cute episodes lol

April Moon was so so and I'm glad I'm not the only one who hated Sentries Of The Last Cosmos


Eggbaby and Dates a Robot were both fun.

I liked Sentries because it was a good send up of uber-nerds.

I hated Rats.

All glory to the Hypnotoad


I'm watching season 2 right now and I'm afraid to say it but I'm getting a huge headache watching some of these episodes lol.. Max is freaking annoying as hell.



those are all my worst episodes too.


I found The Eggbaby hilarious....the story line was a bit far fetched with the whole steeling ruby's etc but the the part where Terry has to look after a 'baby' and Bruce's sarcastic/funny comments made it fun in my eyes... :)

It's so overt, it's covert.


April Moon was okay, I like the twist ending. Sentries of the Last Cosmos was AWFUL mainly because it was a riff on pop culture fandom in the late '90s/early '00s, which has changed since then so it's anachronistic for a show set in the future. Dates a Robot was more of Paul Dini's lame humor that eventually overtook his work, so I dislike it because I feel he's getting away with too much he thinks "I'm Paul Dini, I can do whatever I want!"

Eggbaby is the one episode I can't watch again, so I'd say that's the worst. I hated how Chelsea wouldn't help with the project at all, Terry would risk his life for a homework assignment, and the lame ending where he gets the A grade for stimulating the damn egg lol. Ace in the Hole was a disappointment because the title makes you think it's a Royal Flush episode, and it isn't. I didn't like how they thought Ace needed an origin (he's a dog), and the way they tried to later tie it in in "Epilogue" by implying Bruce named him after the little girl Ace, yet never mentioned this in BB, was a stretch.


Rats and Eggbaby. I think Rats is the worst episode they did.


The Eggbaby.

Go ahead! Make my millenium!




Of all the episodes mentioned, Rats, is by far the worst. I actually like the rest except for April Moon, not because it's bad per se. In fact, it's surprisingly dark. But that's part of the problem... it's too unpleasant.


Rats was big pile of you know what.

The Eggbaby is runner up.


the eggbaby should've been a terrible episode but i can't help but enjoy the dialogue between the characters. terry's "I want a divorce" and bruce's "How can someone fail family studies?" i found it amusing as for april moon. It was one of the episodes that stayed in the confines of my brain all these years and the two things that stuck to me were the affair aspect (five years old that is a crazy concept to come around to) and the saw heading into batman's neck. it's nostalgic.

rats gets saved by Mad Stans' appearance i wish he had his own episode or comic book run.

"Hating on haters is a form of Hatin!"


I loved the Ruby Slippers joke. Priceless
