MovieChat Forums > Batman Beyond (1999) Discussion > If they bring back the show there is thi...

If they bring back the show there is things they need to change.

1. Terry being a clone of Bruce is huge hell no, he should be a son of Bruce.
2.The whole Bat family should be in it, in some point of the show, i mean it would be cool if Jason Todd attacks Terry or Bruce, heck it would be cool see Jason helping them after he gets more old and mature.
3.Get a new Joker, i mean i liked The Return of The Joker, but the cool thing of the Joker is that he dont have an origin.
4.Damian Wayne as a villain.
5.Terry dont having a girlfriend, i mean there is not much romance in the life of Batman.

Deadpool movie campaign.


Well...interesting on some accounts.
1. He may have been birthed by genetic engineering, but as Amanda Waller said VERY clearly, he IS his son. (Not by love to another woman, but then again, Damian would be already).
2. Totally agree, though Jason never existed in the DCAU, and except for Dick, we did see Babs and Tim. (If they managed to somehow put Jason somewhere in between, then great!)
3. We still don´t have an origin. Even if the chip thing is explained, we don´t know any more about Mistah J than we did before. (And the BTAS series explained quite a lot anyway)
4. Awesome!
5. Dana doesn´t bother me, really, and as Epilogue showed, Terry really doesn´t need to go down the path Bruce did. He is a different kind of Batman as it is, and can still be extremely effective, even with all his quips and trash talking.

However, sadly, there doesn´t seem to be much of a chance for it returning. The DCAU ended when JLU did, on a very high mark of course. We still have the new comics which already seem to be adding more of the classic Batman mythos, what with showing Hush and even (yay!) Dick Grayson.


1. Amanda Waller did explain in "JLU: Epilogue" that they injected Terry's father with Bruce's DNA to create a new batman. Terry is Bruce's son. Even though I hated that is what it is.

5. They don't really show Dana enough as it is but she is OK. She isn't annoying or anything and I don't see a reason for them to kill her. Terry isn't like Bruce in any way. He may share his DNA but he is a different person.

"Sure... fine... whatever."


She's annoying because she just thinks Terry is flaky. She's his Lois Lane.


Well, without all the facts, that is the most reasonable conclusion to make of a guy that doesn't keep his promises and vanishes all the time.

I liked Dana. She was reasonable and quite mature I felt.


She was a plot device not a real character. She was either there to be an obstacle or a goal for Terry. Not a surprise at all that the episode where she received the most screen time was the episode where she was a damsel in distress.


I thought Amanda Waller explained that while Terry has some of Bruce's dna, somehow (in the DC 'verse), genetically, he is still his natural father's son.


5.Terry dont having a girlfriend, i mean there is not much romance in the life of Batman.
Wow! wow! wow! Where did it say that Batman has no romance in his life? I seem to recall Bruce having several romantic relationships in Batman TAS.

The only problem I had with Terry's love life on the show. Is that they made him a one woman kind of guy. Sure he had Ten. But that was more like a fling. And he immediately went crawling back to Dana and acted as if nothing ever happened.

Batman is not a one woman type of guy. He's a love'em and and leave'em type of guy. So if their gonna change anything its that right there. Terry should follow in Bruce's footsteps and try to get as many women as possible.



Do people just not read the posts before them or something?

You're the 3rd or fourth person in this thread to say "Terry is a clone" and mention Waller and the last episode of JLU.

It's redundant.

