MovieChat Forums > Batman Beyond (1999) Discussion > Anyone find it really sad how Bruce ende...

Anyone find it really sad how Bruce ended up?

It's quite depressing really that after all he's been through, he's still alone. he is not even in contact with Dick anymore, who was like a son to him. And Barbara/Tim also not really a good relationship any more.

i just felt so sad for him. I kinda wish there was a slightly happier ending. Just one change, like him still being in contact with Dick and occasionally them visiting each other etc would mean something. I almost kinda dislike Dick for abandoning Bruce like that.

I love the show by the way, and it's good that Bruce now has Terry at least.

Clark, what the hell are good villains?


It is actually sad to see that Bruce ended up alone after all those years. But at least he did have Terry. Also am I the only one who finds it strange that with how advanced they were in this universe, that the aging problem wasn't really solved or at least slowed down?


Bruce is 80 and can still kick butt (for a short period of time) like a 40 year old. And still has his mental faculties. No signs of being mentally slow at all.

And then there's Static Shock in Time Warped. He even says, "Fifty's the new thirty."

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


For everything addressed in Timm's universe it is sad, but understandable how Bruce ended up alone. Between alienating Grayson, refusing Barbara and Tim from continuing (or working with him anymore) after the Joker tragedy, and his attitude with the league it was going to happen. This is a sad shell of a shame due to Bruce's relationships (from Zatana to Diana to Selina in this universe). But in the end it was the life of that Batman.

Though, I would not blame Grayson for abandoning Bruce as Bruce had alienated and broken his personal relationship with him long before he was Nightwing. I can only imagine what route this universe's Bruce Wayne would of gone through (maybe snapped?) if Jason Todd would of been a thing.


Personally, I like how Bruce ended up. It's sad for him, but its how he would end up. They didn't take the cheap route and have him and Catwoman married or something.

It's not a happy ending, butto me at least, it's how Bruce would end up. I think he would've built a Bat-robot or something though. I don't think he would just retire. He's super intelligent and has the means, and were shown cloning and robots are possible in the BB universe. When his body failed its logical that he would have used technology to continue his mission.

But, that wouldn't have made for nearly as good a show.


He didn't quit because of his failed body. He quit because he pulled a gun. He was so disgusted with himself, he'd rather not be Batman anymore.

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


He pulled the gun because his body failed. He was about to be killed because he couldn't defend himself from a common hood.....because......

......say it with me Peach........

.....his body was failing....

I know you like to argue but give it a rest.


Seeing as how he developed the Batman Beyond suit and before that an armored bat suit, it's obvious a failing body wasn't enough to keep him from being Batman.

Say it with me, he didn't quit until he had to resort to using a gun to save himself.

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


Yeah, I guess you missed the part where he was having a heart attack or whatever...And was about to black out and get beaten to death by a common hood?

He keeps popping pills every time he fights? Like when he helped Terry?

But sure. Like I said, I know you and your ridiculous BS arguing fetish.

Go rant again about how this is "Terry's story...not Bruce's". I can't get enough of that old chestnut.

Last post to you, as talking to you is a complete waste of time (learned that the hard way).


Nope. Caught all that. Hence the gun.

It's not my fault you can't understand story structure.

Obviously you didn't learn if you came right back. Masochist.

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


A lot of it looks self inflicted. He could have stayed in regular contact with Barbara and Tim if he wanted. Barbara said Tim tried a few times to make amends but Bruce being Bruce rebuffed it.


I think how he ended up in "The Dark Night Returns" graphic novel is much sadder.


You have to remember Bruce Wayne has always been alone since he watched parents die. Batman is the real identity, Bruce Wayne is the mask.


I agree. He has been seriously tramuatized by the death of his parents and thinks all human life that interacts with him will either leave or die, so keeps himself detached and alone. He surely is smart enough to realise that therapy was his best option many years ago or some type of memory surpressor in the future.


Yeah, it is sad in a way. Even at his age he still mourns his parent's lost and still visits Crime Alley to lay two roses for them where they were murdered. I don't want even know how he feels about losing Alfred. I'm sure Ace and Terry fill the void somewhat, but like people said it's the fate of Batman.

In a strange and twisted way, it was great seeing the Joker come back to visit him and remind him about his Batman Legacy.

In one sweet way, it was nice to see Talia Al Ghul come to confort him, even though she was possessed by Ra's and still way younger than he was.


I'm a huge Batman fan always have and always will but the one thing I don't like about the character was that he was never able to overcome his grief. Sure he spent 10 years training his mind and body, spends his nights beating the crap out of criminals but he still lets one tradegy define who he is and how lives the rest of his life.

"Behind all the sturm and bat-o-rangs, you're just a little boy in a playsuit, crying for mommy and daddy! It'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic"

The Joker: Batman Beyond Return Of The Joker.


It is sad, but bruce being bruce he is too stubborn to change. but in some twisted way, batman has a family even though he pushes them away, it is bruce wayne who has no one.

at least he has terry and ace, the bat dog.

The more personalities you have the less boring you are!
