Poison Ivy

Where is Poison Ivy in the future world of Batman Beyond?


Where is Poison Ivy in the future world of Batman Beyond? - Broncho_Knight

They never showed or mentioned Poison Ivy's fate. Harley is still alive as shown at the end of "Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker" movie.


Thanks! What about Catwoman?


Thanks! What about Catwoman? - Broncho_Knight

They only give Catwoman a brief mention in the episode "Dead Man's Hand". In that episode, Terry "Batman" McGinnis is dumped by his girlfriend Dana, but becomes romantically involved with another girl, Melanie Walker. However, unbeknownst to Terry, Melanie is actually "Ten" in the Royal Flush gang.

The episode ends with the following exchange:
Terry McGinnis: This kind of thing ever happen to you?
Bruce Wayne: Let me tell you about a woman named Selina Kyle...


But later, when "Talia" shows up, Bruce calls her his soul-mate, or something along those lines.


They should have had Ivy have a daughter or granddaughter who could serve as an adversary to Terry.


They pulled that with Inque and it was a loser! ;-)

- - http://scifiblogs3.blogspot.com/2012/12/batman-forever.html - -

- http://www.childrenofrassilon.com/batman-forever.html - Batman Homage


Wasn't Inque more like Clayface than Ivy?


True, but she did have a useless daughter! ;-)

- - http://scifiblogs3.blogspot.com/2012/12/batman-forever.html - -

- http://www.childrenofrassilon.com/batman-forever.html - Batman Homage
