MovieChat Forums > Batman Beyond (1999) Discussion > What do you think happened to Two Face?

What do you think happened to Two Face?

Honestly, I think he found out at some point that Bruce Wayne was Batman, and this sent him completely over the edge into madness/death from which he never recovered. To find out the one person he trusted, his best friend, was actually the most "two faced" of all was an irony that would have destroyed him. This is the one revelation I wish they had explored on the show, because there was so much foreshadowing that this would somehow be later be paid off as a resolution of sorts to Dent's story in BTAS, but it never came to be. I don't read read the spin-off comic as I don't consider it canon so I don't know if they made something up there, but I wouldn't take it as fact either way.


In his last appearance in TNBA's "Judgment Day" ( Two-Face was completely mad by the end, with three personalities. In fact, you could say Two-Face was suicidal, since his Judge personality tried to off the rest of him.

My guess is he died of old age in the more secure facility that ultimately replaced Arkham Asylum (as mentioned in BB:ROTJ).



Well it sucks that he was never mentioned in Batman Beyond. If there were to be a Two-Face 2 in this show i would like him to rob stuff during the day to give to charity because Two-Face is suppose to be the lesser of two evils. I mean Bruce/Batman said he fears Two-Face more then any of his foes and it's something the writers don't seem to acknowledge threw out the years.


It was enough they were able to con us into believing The Joker was alive and kicking after so many years! ;-/

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- - Batman Homage


Yeah after they said, "We didn't want to do a Joker beyond" during an interview when they made this show. what a bullsh!t lie that was.


I was fine with Batman Beyond not reusing the original Batman's villains and creating new ones, but Two-Face is one of the baddest (like the Joker or Penguin) of Batman's villains so I think they should have at least referenced his final fate or something.

At least the Joker and Bane got their loose ends tied up. Joker (SPOILERS) died, but who knows what would've happened to Two-Face. Maybe he would've went totally crazy, maybe he could've gotten plastic surgery and therapy, or maybe he could've just gotten old and lived out the rest of his days in a retirement home/insane asylum lapsing between Harvey Dent and Two-Face.

I loved the episode of Batman Beyond where Batman meets what's left of Bane, it's just a weak old man who aged like everyone else and had to deal with his criminal lifestyle (which for Bane was using venom). It's almost like Watchmen or something.

Can't be too careful with all those weirdos running around.


Like you said Two-Face is one of the baddest (like the Joker or Penguin) of Batman's villains so I think they should have at least referenced his final fate or something. If there were to be a Two-Face 2 for Batman Beyond i would like him to rob stuff during the day to give to charity because Two-Face is suppose to be not really the two evils. I mean Bruce/Batman said he fears Two-Face more then any of his foes and it's something the writers don't seem to acknowledge threw out the years.

During an interview on the character they said Two-Face was their favorite but they never gave him enough screen time which is even worse. And i don't care if it wasn't Bruce's story anymore. So what if the writers themselves said they purposely stayed away from Batman's rogues to avoid making it the Bruce Wayne show again. It wouldn't have hurt the show to have some conclusion to some of our bat-foes. To me it seems like a very bad excuse for them to not include them.

If anything I would like to see Terry go up against a new Two-Face because he's supposed to be unpredictable. I even i have a pic of what he would look like had the show lasted longer.

