Broomfields abilty to rile his subject

Intentionaly turning up late for his appointment with Terreblanche, was genius. He managed to expose him for what he really was by the use of a few tricks.

Though not entirely objective, Broomfield got the truth on film of Terreblanche, and his lackeys.

If White America Told The Truth For One Day It's World Would Fall Apart


broomfield, when on form (as opposed to in the terrible Fetish) is far from subjective but always penetration and insightful.

I watched this last night after a few years always and was amazed by his razor wit hidden within bumbling Englishness with his ability to feel sympathy for people most people would portray as monsters (the driver and the driver's wife.)

His Big White Self is good but this is the better documentary and almost as good as Tracking Down Maggie.
